If you can't hide your lies, you try and discredit those that expose them...
so first we had concernd playing GA...setting up a hotkey program to try and increase my page views to cost me money( they got it from 3 min to a few sec)....she tried to get it right for days....then I let it run for 2hrs before I banned her....I won't paste the 2 hours...just a bit to give you an idea.....
So we know that they (IG) is using an IP anonymizer programs: ie: trace route shows this...we know that Chatango has a Glitch...when you have more than one Chat AV running on a system(IG uses 3) you can only operate one at a time... meaning that the others are logged as running on the same IP or router used...
this shows as you change the different pages to chat the AV's....the litte dot at the top of the AV disappears and only activates when the page is on top or active in tabs...so the puppet master (IG) can only be one main AV at at time..the rest: Concerned2, CaptM, Cardinal, Echoia, JustDucky, Paul, Lulutx, CathieD, Lightningbugout,..... just to name a few show no dots or the dots only show when the tab is active then disappear when another AV is used to reply....
then as (IG) puppets the AV's...she has to log them on and off(realisim)...If they were on top when she logged them out...they keep the dot and the others remain without....if you refresh the chat page you can see the dots change as she chats with them....so you can actually tell who is going to respond next because there dot lights up as he is preparing the reply....
you can tell the real person AV's because the dot never leaves and may only darken if they are using the PM in Chatango....But since she is running on at least 3 comp systems one is a Mac...she probably has her roommate/lover using this to be other AV's....same variance....you will see the dots on off....you can actually tell the posting styles change...different thought processes per IG and roommate...so IE: IG puppets - Concerned2, CaptM, Echoia, Cardinal...IG's Roommate puppets - lulutx, Just Ducky, Paul etc....depends on who they create as the main AV to see the master AV puppet.....
Then the Message Board..never drops below 90's...(IG) will use the anonymizer to log in at least 10 AV...most show up in chat...or post articles....so they have realisim and the visit rate does not drop in the 24 hour period...you can tell that the Chat rate is very flowing when IG is talking to hereself....the when she is logging on and off the message board as different posters the chat rate will stop or reply time is much slower....its easy to see.....
so refresh every time a chat post is made and see the dancing dots....leave the - chat ppl here now open and see how logging on AV's duplicates because more than one page is being used and you have to log that page AV (Master Puppet) out and reset the new name.... Believe It Or Not...Anyone can do it.......
-- Edited by Franklin on Saturday 7th of November 2009 06:49:09 PM
Anon2172: See my dot is gone because I had more than one page open
Anon2269: I was editing posts...still logged in chat...so I showed twice then logged off the 2nd page and lost the dot...
Anon4028: now I am logged into Chatango but not chat and I have my dot back...so easy
Anon2145: lol...IG was just here and she has read...so she runs back and shuts down the AVs...goes to the other computers an logs in again....it's way to funny...but she is still on he same router....
Anon2145: lol..now she has the dots...but they are blinking on and off as she goes one to the other....crazy person...
Anon2145: I guess she needs a new surivor...seems they are getting tired of Star5 not sharing...lol...
Anon2145: lol...so she can now only use 3 AV's at a time...3 computers but they are on the same router and blinks on and off....just amasing how far a person will go....
Anon2145: lol...she must be scambling....she can't change it.....
Anon2145: hahahahah...they must be tearing there hair out...refreshing like crazy....she can see it..and can't do anything about it.....to funny....
Anon4761: Give it up already....you can't hide anymore....you can't change chatango....lol.....
Anon5057: lol...she an only use one...poor baby....
Anon6619: so it begs the question...since IG is portraying herself as mutli AVs on the MB and Chat...she probably has been using this deception for years on every MB and Chat/Blog that talks Gosch/Franklin....looking for victims is the theme....I can only assume it is so she can debunk them an save the coverup....victims know the truth....
Anon6619: then after she has run them off...she can add the victims info to hers....