One apparent goal of the Montauk Project was to send military operatives back in time to alter historical events, allowing the Montauk Group to hold the future hostage; to manipulate it for their own nefarious means, thus manipulating reality. (Chica Bruce refers to these exploits as "high tech Black Magic.") This notion has been seconded by Montauk experiencer Stewart Swerdlow, who — after attending a Preston Nichols lecture some years ago — experienced the sudden resurfacing of suppressed memories regarding the Montauk Project. Among other wild and woolly claims, Swerdlow says he was sent through the Montauk time portal packin' a pistol, on a mission to blow Jesus Christ to Kingdom Come. But when Jesus materialized in old town Jerusalem — and came sauntering down the steps of the temple all beatific and such — Swerdlow got cold feet and opted not to pull the trigger. (Perhaps the thought of burning in Hell for all eternity had something to do with his decision!) Later, Swerdlow was sent back in time again, and on the next occasion encountered Christ on the cross. On this occasion, Swerdlow was charged with the mission of extracting vials of holy blood from the crucified Messiah and, in the course of events, was apparently successful in this endeavor.
The whole motivation behind this madcap Montaukian scheme was to clone the holy blood of Christ and then shoot psychic superstar Duncan Cameron up with it. Then — according to the Montauk Project game plan — the medical community would test Cameron's blood against the DNA residue on the Shroud of Turin, which would unanimously confirm the revelation of Christ's Second Coming. As a result of this psychic vampirism, humanity would then fall to its knees and worship this pseudo Christ, Duncan Cameron, the second only begotten Son of God! The ulterior motive behind all these blasphemies was to create the actual anti-Christ, thus ushering in a New World Order. (Now, why anyone would want to do that is beyond me!)
To mystify this subject even more, Peter Moon believes there is a strong occult connection to The Montauk Project, mainly in the form of Aleister Crowley, who Moon suggests was manipulating reality way back in the early part of the 20th century, traveling backwards and forwards in time "through a purely magical basis." The apparent reason Crowley was able to so freely time travel was due to the fact that he wasn't locked into any dimension or illusion of reality. A master of many mystical disciplines and secret schools, Moon believes that Crowley was able — through his Will-To-Power — to jettison himself literally through time and space, and into other dimensions, which is a really cool thing, if you think about it. But also, one must possess a very strong and disciplined intellect to be able to subject oneself to such paradigm shifting adventures without going stark, raving bonkers. Perhaps Aleister Crowley was just the man to fit the bill. Or perhaps it's all a crock of horse water…
During the summer of 1918, Crowley took a "magical retirement" to Montauk Point, the specifics of which remain obscured to this day, although Peter Moon suspects that his visit there was related to the future freaky developments associated with the Montauk Project. In Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity, Moon alludes to the possibility that Uncle Al may have been "creating worm holes from the physical realm to other realities and back again", and that the "bizarre manipulations at Montauk and in Philadelphia could have been elaborate physical deployments at the behest of simply one very powerful magician." In the opinion of one Montauk insider, Crowley is seen as a "wild joker who was romping around and having a good time without regard to how it might affect us." Moon recognizes this joker archetype as "The Fool" from the Tarot deck and comments that: "This is the wild creative impulse that started the whole universe. It is the force that creates will-nilly, on whim and without regard to consequences…" Crowley mentions in his Magical Diaries that he picked up an odd colony of blisters during his stay on Montauk, and that they remained with him for five years. Whether these were attributable to some strange paranormal Montaukian event is unknown.
A former (and possibly practicing) Scientologist, Peter Moon makes no bones about the vital influence he feels L. Ron Hubbard had upon these multifarious Montaukian mysteries. As noted in part one of this series, Hubbard was intimately involved with Crowleyan protégé Jack Parsons in a magical endeavor called The Babalon Working. According to those partial to a Montaukian worldview, Parsons — with help of Hubbard and Parson's wife, Marjorie Cameron — succeeded in creating a fissure in the space time continuum, which was quite similar to the type of vortex associated with The Philadelphia Experiment: a doorway into another dimension. After the Babalon Working, UFO sightings began to be reported en masse, as if a Devil's Floodgate had been opened, and into the earth realm flew powers and demons from beyond, much like an H.P. Lovecraft tale , unleashed on an unsuspecting human populace.
In his Montaukian scenario, Peter Moon portrays Hubbard as a White Knight in a realm of high-tech black magicians; one of the "good guys" engaged in psychic warfare with malevolent mind controllers and rascally reality manipulators. Hubbard, it has been conjectured, was an agent of Naval Intelligence, and later claimed that he had infiltrated Parson's O.T.O. group on behalf of the government in order to break it up. Eventually, Hubbard would apparently have a falling out with his friends in high places, and in fact found himself at war with both the CIA and IRS. Much of his disharmony with these various governmental bodies had to do with L. Ron's objection to MK-ULTRA agents bent on warping the minds of humanity. Or, at least, that's the picture Peter Moon paints within the pages of the Montauk books.