5 And seek not the Father through the son, but the flesh re-incarnate. For the priests of the earth will see the image of the beast and lead many into the wilderness.
6 Yet will your Father make many signs, that all will bear witness to the final days when all have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. And the gates of paradise will be opened and they will come in the power of Divine Love and live in bliss.
7 For did not Jesus the Christ become dead, and sprang to life again. And was not the Holy City laid waste and now lives once more. These things were made by the Father, and his mystery is the source of all wisdom.
13 For the Father will spread his tent over all His kingdom and they will number every people, tribe, language and nation.
14 And all that live in the seal of the living God, will be baptised in the gift of Divine Love, and be known through the mark of the purity of the spirit.
15 For as the Father shares His Divine presence through the sharing of the spirit, all will be made one in the baptism of Divine Love. And they will know each other and share the gifts of paradise and bliss.
16 For the Father saw His work and was well pleased. For Adam did He conceive Eve. And for Eve did He conceive Adam, that all may have balance in the Divine plan.
17 And he touched the side of Adam and there sprang forth a spring.
18 And he touched Eve that she would know the sign of His Divine Love and bear forth from the spring all the offspring of the earth. And this gift did He give to all creatures, even to the lowest form that in their union they would touch the Divine spirit.
19 And this made He the sign of purity, that all may bathe in the water of life. And through the gift of Divine Love will the Christ spirit enter.