just about 2/12 months ago there was a team of law enforcement agents with Iowa DCI, FBI and West DesMoines PD and the Polk County Sheriff's dept. digging up around the area where John Gosch had his hobby farm northwest of Des Moines. John used to sell seed and used this plot to do his seed/planting tests and store all his personal stuff including a Korean war era jeep. Well in that jeep under the passenger seat (There is a compartment) was a bunch of tapes, tapes that were telephone recordings of Noreen for a period of three months after the AMW story. Now that is strange. Those tapes are now in the hands of the Iowa DCI for review.
This is what I think went down.
Leonard and Noreen were having marital problems. With Leonard's psychotic history I think he hatched a scheme to have his kid taken by an associate in order to make his marriage stronger. You see Johnny was a momma's boy all the way and Leonard was jealous of that. I think the original scheme was to have Johnny go missing and then the father would find him thus making the marriage better.
But it got all out of hand and he paid his associate to "take out the kid" for fear of being found out. Financial records show $5000.00 taken out of his checking account 2 days after the kidnapping. Sept. 07 1982. He has stated in interviews by law enforcement that he used the money to get supplies to help find his son. But no proof of any materials was ever found.
Phone records do indicate a phone call to the Gosch residence at 3:27am Sunday morning lasting 32 seconds and coming from the Souix City exchange. They dont have the number only the area code due to phone technologies at that time.
As far as the rest, it's all made up by a bunch of right wing christian fundamentalists that were seeking a political seat and this is where John Decamp comes in along with the Nebraska Leadership Confrence and many others. Hell at one tie everybody and their brother cashed in on this case.
There are no satanist/pedophile/secret goverment/shadow government groups responsible, there is no connection to the New World Order and Mind Control. It just is not feasible. Only in Hollywood my friend.
Noreen came up with that story for Paul Bonacci and John Decamp in order to get that Million dollar judgement. She saw $$ in her eyes because she is basically broke. She thought she would make tons of cash off her book, but it basically flopped and sold only about 2000 copies. Didn't even make enough money to cover the publishing fees.
The Jeff Gannon conspiracy is just that. He 100% not Johnny Gosch.
All the new propoganda is geared toward selling Decamp's and Noreen's books. That is all it is.
Fact: A mother knows her son no matter how long they have been seperated. So dont you think Noreen would at least have the mothers instinct toward Gannon?
I know these things because I was involved in all the hoopla in the late 80's and early 90's
I am the "Jimmy" dude that America's Most Wanted found.
I was not kidnapped when I was a kid but I ran away from home and went to Omaha and then got involved (forced) into this crap.
So when I say trust me that the person they think is Johnny is not.
This whole thing I believe is financially motivated (Now Days)
As far as Leonard Gosch's involvement, I am firmly convinced that he had a part of it.
Mr. Gosch, still lives in Iowa, if you go to the State of Iowa, division of courts, do an online record search you can see he has not diappeared.
I can back up everythign I say as I am really the only creditable person that knows what really happened.
By the way, Paul Bonacci was not involved in the abduction of Johnny. This is one of those Decamp flaunts.
It goes really deep, but not to the white house or satanic crap or anything like that. That is all conspiracy fantasies.
Sorry for the spelling, but I do the best I can.
I will take questions on this forum.
til then, have a good one.
Also, Decamp states Troy Boner has died. Another false fact. I just see him a few days ago, also there is no SSI Death index reporting on him,.
Ok that was the first post I posted, I wanted to see the mind state here and to see if anyone was smart enough to catch that, dont mean no dis respect, but from what I have heard the last few months, there must be a bunch of gullible and stupid people floatin around.
OK a Mistake, but what I can tell you is that now this thing with Gannon is really messed up.
Now Noreen, (4acloserlook.com) April 26th, first hour; says that the dude on MSNTV (Bo Dietl) who did the interview with Jeff Gannon is now part of the conspiracy. Come on this lady is nutso in the head. Bo Dietl is now part of the same group that kidnapped her son.......I don't think so. It just goes to show that if it dont go her way, she gets even and that's how she does it.
Noreen and Decamp and Gunderson would be absolute shoe in's for the next Green Acres tv show. Or wait! the X-Files....no the G Files.
There is an agenda here, a hidden one and one that is on the surface.
1. Political. John Decamp did and will try again to run for Govenor of Nebraska. John Decamp is directly related to a right wing christian fundelmentalist group, the nebraska leadership confrence. Well with having someone in office that is part of your group it gives you power, power to change things the way they want. I believe this goes farther. I also believe they use the same tactics against their prey as they have described in their supportive members books. (The real story)
2. Financial. They all have written books. You write books and have them published to make money. Noreen got sued by the actual author of her book for non payment and also might I point out some copyright battle they are bickering about in court. So this shows a financial motive to make publicity.
What I am saying what they are doing these days are wrong, and have totally lost their focus along the way. They are droans now.
If Ted Ginderson told Noreen he himself has seen little green men (Aliens) take their son, she would believe him. That's what has been happening since about 1989. Gunderson is bad, Decamp is bad, they have controlled this womans life and made her what she is tody along with many others.
It's truely sad, because in a way they are just re-abusing the true victims every time they come up with these crazy stories. I would bet good money that Guckert takes Noreen and all her co horts to court and sues the hell out of them for invading his personal life.
By the way, the AMW thing was all scripted. Paul Sparrow himself wrote the **** to say.