Anon3798: According to unofficial data, "in Ukraine over the past week about 1500 people have already died. As noted by some doctors, the reason - pneumonic plague. High temperatures from the first day, a burning sensation in the chest, the desire to drink cold and nausea - all of these symptoms are frightening. People die within few days.
Pneumonic plague symptoms appear suddenly, typically 2-3 days after exposure. They include:
•Severe cough
•Frothy, bloody sputum
•Difficulty breathing
Pnuemonic plague is the after math SECONDARY infection of BUBONIC plague . It needs strong IV Antibiotis asap for 10 days. Bubonic plague might need IV antibiotics too.. antivirals will not work in Pneumonic Plague or Bubonic Plague. that may have caused more death ..if those countries failed to give antibiotics fast enoiught blood test can tell what it is.. but any serious antibiotic helps til blood work test come back . for a specific antibiotic... lower lungs lobes begin to bleed wth pnuemonic plague . coughing up rusty bloody looking fluids out of your lungs, means get your self to ER fast .as fast as you can..
Three ways of killing people
The Black Death (So called because of the Visual Symptom of the Bubonic Plague). There are three types of the plague or the Black Death...
The Bubonic Plague is by the bacillus yersinia pestis (this is where the word pestilence is derived) carried by fleas and transmitted normally by rodents. The bacillus is extremely virulent. Laboratory mice die after being infected with just three bacilli – and fleas can disgorge up to 24,000 in one bite. Whilst rats were the most common carriers in medieval times other rodents, such as squirrels , have transmitted the disease in advanced Western countries, such as the USA in recent years. The plague is transmitted by the rodent buy the flea. The disease, when caught this way, travels through the lymph system causing the lymph glands to swell the lymph nodes and discolour and turn a black color - hence the descriptive name Black Death. The areas normally affected are the armpits and the groin. Modern antibiotics have a good chance of combating the disease but there is still a high mortality rate unless treated early. It has a 1-15% mortality rate in treated cases and a 40-60% mortality rate in untreated cases.
The Septicemic Plague : This is in fact the same disease but when infected the patient gets the bacilli in the bloodstream as opposed to the lymph system. When this occurs it is nearly always fatal causing massive damage to the blood and the circulation system. The result is that parts of the body, normally the extremities, lose the blood supply, become gangrenous and go black. Septicemic plague (primary or secondary) has a 40% mortality rate in treated cases and 100% mortality in untreated cases.
The Pneumonic Plague : Yet again this is the same disease but in this instance is caught by breathing the disease from a contaminated animal or human. It rapidly damages the lungs and results in nearly a 100% mortality rate, even with today's medical knowledge, if not treated