1837 Crisis of 1837. All banks suspend specie payment. 600 banks fail. Banks that charge interest expanding rapidly. 1837 J.P. Morgan is born. 1838 Smallpox epidemic in England. 1839 Chinese burn 3,000 tons of opium, to the relief of oversupplied British traders. 1839 John D. Rockefeller is born. 1839 First time a disease is traced to a parasitic organism. (Schoenlein, fungal infection of scalp). 1840 Roughly 70% of citizens in the U.S. have independent livelihoods. (See 1776). 1840 Baltimore Dental College graduates swore not to use mercury amalgam. 1840 Albert Pike builds a mansion in Arkansas where he designs plans for three world wars and three revolutions. Pike becomes Mazzini's superior. 1840 First Opium War in China, as Chinese protest British import of drugs. 1841 Clinton Roosevelt writes “The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law,” outlining the Illuminati plans for the regimentation of mankind under the control of the “enlightened ones” and the destruction of the Constitution. 1842 Treaty of Nanking brings Britain vast wealth and control over Hong Kong. 1842 Salt wells in Pennsylvania found to have oil. William Rockefeller exploits and begins buying up land in Pennsylvania. 1843 Port of Shanghai opened to foreign trade. The first lot in the port is rented by Britain’s Jardine Mathieson & Co. Other lots are rented by Samuel Russell, an American representing Baring Brothers. Captain Warren Delano (FDRs grandfather) becomes a member of the Canton Regatta Club and enters into dealings with the Hong Society. Delano founds his fortune on opium trafficking into China and later becomes the first vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board. 1844 Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane founded. Ameri-can stores giving a half pound of sugar free with purchase of five dollars or more. 1846 Nucleus of physicians in New York form the American Medical Association. 1846 Over 117,000 Chinese laborers brought to Western United States, feeding an imported opium trade estimated at 285,000 pounds per year into the U.S. 1846 Independent U.S. Treasury established. 1846 Former slaves in Caribbean left to manage old sugar plantation—a situation that would last until sugar plantations would eventually be taken over by the United States. 1847 American Medical Association (AMA) organized in the U.S. 1848 Rockefeller interests establish prime goal of control of U.S. medical system. 1848 Karl Marx Communist Manifesto created. Proposes: abolition of private property in land (through gradually increasing property tax), heavy progressive or graduated income tax, abolition of inheritance rights (inheritance tax), confiscation of private property, a central bank, forced distribution of popula-tion and centralization of transportation and communication in the hands of the state. 1848 Immigration from Ireland to the United States. United States news media spread the word that “one third carried a copy of the Manifesto” in order to help enforce the spread of compulsory schooling for “native” Americans. 1848 California Gold Rush.
1848 Dr.Semmelweis at the University of Vienna Medical School cuts infant deaths by requiring doc-tors to wash their hands. Subsequently fired. 1849 William A. Rockefeller indicted for raping a hired girl. William also bills himself as a “cancer spe-cialist” and sells petroleum-based products as elixir. 1850 Two states in the United States, Massachusetts and New York, create an active paradigm that says “the state is the father of children” and create laws to cause a social phasing out of “blood family” loy-alty and a phasing in of “loyalty to state.” The two states create adoption law. 1850 Homeopathic college founded in Cleveland, Ohio. 1850 U.S. prison population is 29:100,000 (Ratio 29 per 100,000). 1850 British physician reads a paper detailing microscopic examination of food products to the Botani-cal Society of London. The paper revealed that all food products examined in Britain were adulterated with foreign substances, including chemicals. Hearings periodically held for decades. 1850 Germany experiences a new scientific paradigm, psychophysics, which maintains that people are similar to complex machines. The paradigm further leads to that of experimental psychology in order to discover the nature of humans and how to program them. In Germany, Wundt is the primary proponent of these ideas. American elite begin to come to Germany to study the paradigm. 1853 Cecil Rhodes is born. 1853 Dr. Isaac Brown, a prominent British surgeon and president of the Medical Society of London, creates a surgical procedure to remove the clitoris from women on the grounds that “masturbation caused epilepsy and convulsive diseases.” 1853 Smallpox epidemic in England. 1853 In England, the Compulsory Vaccination Act. From 1853 to 1860, vaccination reached 75% of the live births and more than 90% of the population. 1853 Chloroform first used as anesthetic in England. 1853 First use of hypodermic needle for subcutaneous injection. 1854 German watchmaker Heinrich Goebel invents first light bulb. 1855 Compulsory nature of Massachusetts vaccination statute firm, and a pre- condition for school admittance. Statutes created in the belief it would “protect children from smallpox.” 1855 New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal sports an editorial which declares that “masturbation is the destroying element of civilized society.” 1855 Outbreak of cholera in England. 1856 Daniel Coit Gilman, Andrew White and Timothy Dwight set up the Yale Trust to finance the Skull & Bones organization at Yale University. White would become first president of Cornell University and U.S. ambassador to Russia (1892) and U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1897-1902). White advised Her-bert Hoover to set up the Hoover Institution. Gilman trained John Dewey, who would help him domi-nate American education in the 20th century. Gilman also trained Richard Ely, who in turn trained Woodrow Wilson (who gave the Federal Reserve System to the United States, the income tax and WWI.) All three of the men who set up the Yale Trust were educated at the University of Berlin, where they were indoctrinated with Hegelian Deteriminism, which states that everyone must be controlled to achieve predetermined goals. 1856 John Stuart Mill (On Liberty) becomes secretary of the East India Company. A disciple of Mill, David Ricardo, originated the Theory of Rents. His descendant, Rita Ricardo, married to Wesley Camp-bell (head of the Hoover Institution) would advise President Ronald Reagan on Social Security.
1857 Vaccination in England enforced by fines. Smallpox epidemic begins in England that lasts until 1859. Over 14,000 die. 1858 Second Opium War lasts until 1860 in China. British establish Hong Kong and Shanghai corpora-tions to act as clearinghouse for drug transactions. 1858 England experiences a 7 year epidemic of Pertussis (ending in 1865) in which 120,000 die. 1859 The period from 1859 to 1931 is defined by historian Carroll Quigley as the historical stage of Financial Capitalism, where a system of worldwide financial control would be set up in private hands to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the planet as a whole. 1859 Stampede into the oil fields of Pennsylvania. Property prices skyrocket and the Rockefellers begin to make their fortune in oil. 1859 Darwin’s Origin of the Species is published. Comment (Michael Tsarion) The full name of this book was Origin of the Species and Preservation of the Favored Races. 1860 British and French lay siege to Beijing and burn temples and shrines. Treaty of Tientsin allows Britain control of 7/8 of China trade. 1860 Introduction of antibiotics and immunization into the U.S. (Through 1896). 1860 British import 58,681 chests of opium to China. 1860 United States Government begins a 30 year period of genocide against native American Indians in order to acquire land. Hundreds of thousands of people are rounded up, killed, or relocated to outdoor concentration camps (reservations). 1860 Encyclopedia Britannica (8th Edition) states “nothing is more likely to prove hurtful to the cause of vaccination and render the public careless of securing to themselves its benefits, than the belief that they would require to submit to revaccination every 10 to 15 years.” Later, in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the policy would change: “it is desirable that vaccination should be repeated at the age of 7 to 10 years, and thereafter at intervals during life.” 1860 Abraham Lincoln elected as President of the United States. 1860 Senate Report on Crime in Washington D.C. 1860 Electric storage battery invented and Cesium is discovered. 1860 Food and Drug Act in England established. 1861 U.S. Civil War begins. Morgans, Armours, and Vanderbilts make a fortune from the conflict. 1861 Bank Panic of 1861. Banks refuse to loan U.S. money. 1861 United States introduces passport system. 1862 Act of 1862 authorizes the issuance of 150 million in legal tender U.S. notes, later known as “Lin-coln Greenbacks.” Other issuances in 1862 and 1863 amount to a total of 450 million. Bankers receive no interest from this and plot revenge. An article in the London Times advises that the U.S. government must be destroyed lest it become prosperous beyond precedent. 1862 Abraham Lincoln outlaws the trade in Chinese coolies (laborer/slaves). 1863 Gatling gun invented. 1863 National Banking Act passed by British sympathizers, authorizing a private corporation to issue U.S. money. Protested by Lincoln. Currency issued by depositing “government bonds” with the U.S.
Treasury. Bonds are secured by a first lien on all physical property within the nation and a first lien on national income. 1863 Congress taxes private bank notes out of existence. 1863 National Academy of Sciences founded in Washington D.C. 1863 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation frees 3 million slaves in the U.S. 1863 Second major epidemic of smallpox in England lasts until 1865. 20,000 die. 1864 The Long Walk of the Navajos. 1864 Pasteur invents pasteurization process for wine. 1864 Dozens of oil refineries spring up in Cleveland, Ohio. 1865 George Peabody (Rothschilds) conceives of “tax exempt charitable foundation.“ 1865 United States Military Railroad set up by banks and railroads. 1865 Union stockyards open in Chicago. 1865 Lincoln assassinated. 1864 British opium trafficking produces £20 million from China in 1864. 1865 Maxwell’s Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism published. 1865 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) founded. 1866 “Black Friday” on London Stock Exchange. 1866 Alfred Nobel invents dynamite and Whitehead invents torpedo. 1867 Vaccination Act of 1867 in England begins to elicit protest from the population and increase in the number of anti-vaccination groups. It compelled the vaccination of a baby within the first 90 days of its life. Those who objected would be continually badgered by magistrates and fined until the child turned 14. The law was passed on the assurance of medical officials that smallpox vaccinations were safe. 1867 Joseph Lister introduces sanitation into surgery, over the objections of leading English surgeons. 1867 Nonpayment of fines for skipping smallpox vaccination result in harsh penalties. 1868 The National Academy of Science is set up by an act of Congress. 1869 Conference of the British Medical Association devotes its surgery discussions to an attack on anti-septic theory and the work of Lister. 1869 Transcontinental railroad completed in the United States. 1870 Standard Oil Company is incorporated. 1870 Amygdalin (Laetrile) is listed in the U.S. Pharmacopaea of 1870. (The FDA Grandfather Clause prevents the FDA from claiming jurisdiction. Upheld by U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th District, #71-1243, May 23, 1972.) 1870 Third major smallpox epidemic in England begins and lasts until 1872. Over 44,800 dies. 1871 Franco-Prussian war begins. 1871 In Birmingham, England, from 1871 to 1874, there were 7,706 cases of smallpox. Out of these, 6,795 had been vaccinated. 1871 In Bavaria, Germany, vaccination is compulsory and revaccination is commonplace. Out of 30,472 cases of smallpox, 29,429 had been vaccinated. 1871 Worldwide epidemic of smallpox begins. Claims 8 million people worldwide.
1871 Albert Pike writes “Morals and Dogma.” Pike also writes a letter on August 15, 1871 (until recently on display in the British museum) to Mazzini detailing the Luciferian plan for world conquest, outlining plans for three world wars, and detailing the destruction of both Christianity and atheism. 1871 Bulwer-Lytton writes Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, containing racial theory that would later figure in Nazi Germany. Protege of Lytton was Aleister Crowley, of England’s equivalent to the “Thule Group,” tutor to Aldous Huxley, future prophet of mind control, who would later introduce hal-lucinogens into American culture. 1871 Select committee of the Privy Council convened to inquire into the Vaccination Act of 1867 (England), as 97.5% of the people who died from smallpox were vaccinated for it. 1872 Mazzini dies. 1872 Japan institutes compulsory smallpox vaccination. Within 20 years 165,000 smallpox cases mani-fest themselves. 1872 Horace Greeley writes about the “National” Bank Act, saying “by our money system we have nationalized a system of oppression not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.” 1872 In England, 87% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. Over 19,000 die in England and Wales. (See 1925). 1872 Rio Tinto Zinc company founded by Hugh Matheson with his uncles profits from opium traffick-ing and help from Schroder Bank in Germany, who would later fund Adolph Hitler in 1931. 1873 Banking panic of 1873. 1874 Civil marriage made compulsory in Germany. 1875 Public Health Act of 1875 in England promotes sanitary conditions. 1875 Official government statistics estimate 120,000 Americans addicted to opium. 1875 United States immigration excludes “coolies, convicts, and prostitutes” as undesirable aliens. 1875 Blavatsky founds the Theosophical Society. 1876 Deutsche Reichsbank opens in Germany. 1876 Koch discovers anthrax bacillus. 1877 Standard Oil Company incorporated and gains national ascendancy into the oil market. Cecil Rhodes writes the first of seven wills. 1877 Telephone and gasoline engine invented. 1878 Louis Pasteur tells his family never to show anyone his lab notebooks. His last surviving grandson donated the documents to the Bibiotheque Nationale in Paris in 1964. Later, historians would begin to examine Pasteur’s notes and would find evidence of potential scientific misconduct and a large degree of dubious human experimentation. 1879 Gold Standard reinstated in the United States. 1880 Beginning of a 20 year period where elite American students of Wundt in Germany return and become heads of psychology departments at Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, and all major universities and colleges. Wundt trains James Cattell, who returns to the U.S. and trains over 300 in the Wundtian system which, with help from the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations, eventually assume control of psychological testing in the United States for all the soldiers of the First World War. 1880 In Denmark citizens consume 29 pounds of sugar each annually. 1880 Recorded death rate from diabetes in Denmark is 1.8 per 100,000.