1948 Israel comes into existence, displacing indigenous population. 1948 Randolph Byes and Frederick Moll of Harvard Medical School validate that severe neurological disorders follow the administration of DPT vaccine. The research was performed at Children’s Hospital in Boston and published in Pediatrics magazine. Nothing was done by physicians to halt the use of DPT vaccine. 1948 Project Phoenix I allegedly comes on line, using microwave energy to cause brain damage. 1948 A study on Pertussis vaccine reaction is done by Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School. They examine 15 children who had reacted violently within 72 hours of a Per-tussis vaccination. All the children were normal before the shot. None had ever had a convulsion before. One of the children became blind, deaf, spastic, and helpless after being given the Pertussis shot. Out of the 15 children, two died and nine suffered from damage to their nervous system. Physicians were dis-pleased by these results. 1948 John McCone becomes Secretary of Defense of the United States. McCone gives contracts to Standard Oil and Kaiser Aluminum, in which he already has financial interests. 1948 Standard Oil changes its name to Esso, which acquires a large interest in Arabian American Oil Company and Oil companies in Switzerland. 1948 Price of uranium rises to $1600 per ton. 1948 Antibiotics aureomycin and chloromycin prepared. 1948 CIA begins to study behavior influencing drugs. 1948 George H. W. Bush graduates from Yale University and the Skull and Bones. It is known that George HW Bush is a distant cousin of the Queen of England, part of the Black Nobility which traces its power back 5,000 years. 1948 Crowleyean ritual magic allegedly worked by Jack Parsons and reputed Naval Intelligence agent Ron Hubbard, who would later found the Church of Scientology, based on initiatory grades and a cos-mology reminiscent of Theosophy. Interestingly, the symbol of Scientology is identical to the Crowley emblem depicted in the Book of Thoth. Hubbard is reported to have maintained that he was a reincarna-tion of Cecil Rhodes. 1948 Assassination of Gandhi in India. 1948 Israel creates Central Institute for Intelligence and Security. 1948 World Council of Churches founded in Amsterdam, Holland. 1948 Operation Ohio, a CIA plan for assassination, begins. Over 100 European figures are assassinated under this program before 1958. 1948 Value of television as mass control medium realized. 1948 Dr. Sander, Veterans Administration, discovers sugar intake related to polio development. 1948 National “Campaign Against Cancer” conducted by medical monopoly to gain financial support. 1948 Lord Franks becomes British Ambassador to the United States. Franks also becomes a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, a director of the Rhodes Trust, a director of Schroder Bank, and chairman of Lloyds Bank. Lord Franks is a member of the London Group which maintains the U.S. as a British colony. 1948 Oscar Ewing convenes National Health Convention to enroll U.S. in WHO. 1948 Selective Service Act provides continuous military draft until 1973. 1948 Truman elected President of the United States.
1948 Wellcome Trust (UK) Oliver Franks ambassador to U.S. until 1952. 1948 George Orwell writes his book “1948,” later renamed “1984.” 1948 Lucky Luciano, with U.S. government support, starts heroin labs in Cuba, later turning it over to Santos Trafficante in Miami. 1948 England bans smallpox vaccine. 1948 North Carolina polio cases number 2,498. See 1949. 1948 Walter Freeman, who performed more than 3,500 lobotomies, demonstrates his “icepick tech-nique” at the University of Virginia in Charlotteville. 1948 The Rockefeller milk trust sells frozen products and pasteurized milk in North Carolina, closely allied with the Coca Cola company which sells large quantities of carbonated soft drinks. 1948 In North Carolina, Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler reveals that sugar and starches lower the blood sugar level, producing hypoglycemia, and that soda pop (recently introduced) contains phosphoric acid that absorbs phosphorus and sulfates in food before natural metabolism can get it to the nervous system, causing the nerve trunks to fail to function properly. Sandler says that dairy products and sugared soft drinks are aggravating the incidence of polio. 1948 Polio cases in North Carolina number 2,498. 1948 Louis Sauer makes an interesting observation at an AMA meeting where Pertussis vaccination was discussed. Louis Sauer points out that “the neurological damage caused by Pertussis vaccine is the same as the damage caused by Pertussis (whooping cough).” (Which is logical, because they use the bacteria in the vaccine). According to Sauer, “a customary prophylactic dose of Pertussis vaccine seems to illicit a chain of nervous system reactions and in some cases irreversible pathological changes in the brain. These findings resemble those encountered in cases of severe whooping cough (Pertussis).” In other words, the vaccine is causing the disease condition. 1949 Egas Moniz, the first lobotomist, receives Nobel Prize for Medicine in recognition for his “discov-ery.” (See 1935). 1949 AMA Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry goes on record to deny that dietary changes could have anything to do with prevention or treatment of cancer. 1949 Onassis buys the U.S. surplus “liberty ships.” 1949 A report appears in the August 1949 issue of Diseases of the Nervous System featuring research by Spradley and Marin-Foucher entitled “Hypothermia: A New Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders.” The authors note that the most complete investigations in the biophysiological field were carried out by German researchers in WWII, and discuss some 30 experiments done on mental patients in the United States. 1949 Air Force begins tunneling into Manzano Mountains to create underground facilities for nuclear weapons storage. A second facility constructed in 1989. 1949 Rand Corporation established as an outgrowth of Strategic Bombing Survey, an analysis of the psychological effects of the bombing of German population centers during the war. I. G. Farben escaped damage during the war. 1949 Central Intelligence Act exempts CIA from disclosure laws. 1949 Gehlen organization transferred to CIA control. 1949 U.S. Public Health Service Division of Biologics Standards establish a national potency test for Pertussis vaccine, and modify it in 1953 to establish potency limits. Despite this, the Pertussis vaccine that is pronounced “safe” still causes minimal brain damage (MBD) in humans.
1949 Rand Corporation's Dr. Irving Janis recommends to the U.S.A.F. that they initiate a study to note the effects of electrical frequencies on the human brain. 1949 U.S. Army begins 20 year period of simulated germ warfare attacks on American cities, conduct-ing 239 open air tests with biological agents. 1949 Noticing that polio strikes most in the summer, when children increase their intake of sugar, Dr. Sandler warns residents to cut down on sugar and dairy products in North Carolina. Polio cases dramat-ically decrease to 249. (See 1948). 1949 Interpol granted consultive status by the United Nations. 1949 Construction starts on AEC property in Nevada for Groom Lake Facility. 1949 Creation of Chinese Secret Police. 1949 Autopsies of soldiers killed in Korea reveal 80% had advanced heart disease. 1949 Morris Fishbein removed from the AMA editorship. 1949 John J. McCloy is U.S. Military Governor and High Commissioner of Germany until 1952. 1949 Soviets explode a nuclear device. 1949 U.S. General George Marshall pressures Chiang Kai-Shek, forcing his government to Formosa, clearing the way for the Korean War to occur. 1950 The 1948 findings of Dr. Sandler in North Carolina are denigrated in the public media, which claims that Sandler’s findings are a “myth.” 1950 Rockefeller Milk Trust and Coca Cola force return to previous levels of sugar and dairy product consumption. Polio levels rise to pre-1949 level. 1950 John McCone becomes Under Secretary of the Air Force. 1950 The Korean War begins. William Jennings Bryan III becomes the “Chief of Medical Survival Training” for the U.S.A.F. After the Korean war, Bryan becomes a consultant for the CIA relative to projects concerning behavior modification and mind control. Bryan later begins a hypnotherapy practice in Hollywood, the “American Institute of Hypnosis,” which was functional in the mid 1970's. Bryan was believed by some to be one of the programmer’s in the famous Candy Jones case. 1950 Attempted assassination of Truman by “Puerto Rican Nationalists.” 1950 Internal Security Act of 1950. 1950 Hearings are heard relative to placing the United States under a One World Government by adop-tion of a World Government Constitution. The “age of Nations must end and the era of Humanity begin.” 1950 The U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco in a biological warfare experiment conducted on the American public. Many residents came down with a pneumonia-like disease and one person died because of it. 1950 U.S. Army “simulated” germ warfare in San Francisco and in the Pentagon. 1950 National Council of Churches founded in the U.S. 1950 Pacific Corporation organized by CIA as a holding company. 1950 Alleged CIA plot to introduce UFO contact ideas and radio contact from space. 1950 Worlds in Collision published by Immanuel Velikovsky.
1950 Professor Pierre LePine, noted scientist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, is reported in the March 30, 1950 edition of the New York Times, as saying “no more than one injection in 2000 really prevents polio.” 1950 Canadian scientist Wilber Smith writes that U.S. considers gravity disks a greater secret than the H-bomb. 1950 Tranquilizer Miltown (meprobamate) comes into use in the United States. 1950 Revised edition of “The Effect of Atomic Weapons” prepared by the AEC advises complete underground placement of bases. 1950 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg framed for Soviet acquisition of atom bomb. 1950 TB death rate down to 50:100,000 1950 Einstein General Field Theory (attempt to expand Relativity). 1950 Introduction of Anti-histamines as popular cold remedy. 1950 Plutonium first separated from pitch blend concentrates. 1950 Britain officially recognizes Israel. U.S. recognizes Vietnam, Saigon government. 1950 Truman instructs AEC to develop hydrogen bomb. 1950 Internal Security Act of 1950 authorizes detention camps in U.S. 1950 Paul Warburg declares before the U.S. Senate “we shall have world government whether you like it or not, if not by consent by conquest.” 1950 Soviets add fluorides to water in prison system to maintain subservience in the inmate population, affect the central nervous system, and produce compliance with authority. 1951 North Korean brainwashing of American prisoners. 1951 Project Redlight begins at Groom Lake in Nevada. 1951 CBS broadcasting begins cooperation with CIA. 1951 CIA Project Artichoke develops behavior control techniques employing drugs, hypnosis, elec-troshock, and extrasensory perception. 1951 German Bundestag passes a law reinstated 163,477 German administrators from the Nazi period back into government. 1951 International Geodetic Survey to place crystalline resonators at grid points. 1951 U.S. High Commissioner John McCloy orders general amnesty and early release for all convicted Nazi war criminals. (Jan.-Feb. 1951). 1951 German concentration camp staff put to death by allied courts. Twenty-nine of the staff are reprieved. Over 15,000 Germans are brought to the U.S. to function in American technical and scien-tific projects. 1951 Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. According to the act, “a secrecy order issued during a national emergency declared by the President shall remain in effect for the duration of the emergency and six months thereafter.” 1951 Truman declares a state of national emergency. Since no one declared an end to it, it remained in effect until 1978. 1951 General McArthur relieved by Truman. 1951 Krilium developed from acrylonitrile for use in fertilization.
1951 Blair flies solo over the South Pole. 1951 Theiler wins Nobel for work on yellow fever vaccine. 1951 McMillan & Seaborg win Nobel for discovery of plutonium. 1951 The U.S. Public Health Service, with the cooperation of the American Dental Association, holds a meeting of state dental directors at which the methods for promotion of fluoridation were outlined. Thus, the U.S.PHS formed an alliance with medical trade unions and industry to promote the addition of toxic fluorides to the public water supplies. A concentration of 1.2 ppm was suggested, and state dental directors were instructed to lie to the public about the toxic effects of sodium fluoride, deliberately mis-inform the public by relating the presence of “high-fluoride areas” to “less cancer and less polio”—an entire public relations campaign meant to convince the public to allow themselves to be medicated— just like the inmates in Soviet and German prisons and camps. Their technique was not to refute the thing but to show that the opposite was true, even if the opposite was not true. 1951 Approximately 400,000 pounds of penicillin and 350,000 pounds of streptomycin produced in the United States. 1951 Allen Dulles orders 100 million doses of LSD from Sandoz. 1952 Eisenhower elected president of the United States. Nixon elected VP and John Kennedy elected to Senate. 1952 John Foster Dulles and John D. Rockefeller III set up the Population Council. The American Eugenics Society moves from its headquarters at Yale University to the Population Council offices. Fre-derick Osborne, former head of the Eugenics Society, becomes president. 1952 The American Dental Association publishes an issue of its Journal instructing its dentists not to discuss their personal opinions about fluoride. 1952 American Council on Germany founded to exercise control over West Germany. Together with the German Marshall Fund (CIA), control was maintained over German government, academic life, and communications. All those having connections with these two groups would be supporters of the origi-nal Morgenthau Plan, which resolved to lay waste to Germany after World War II, protect the borders of the Soviet Union, exploitation of the German people and extortion of huge reparation payments from German workers, part of which would be diverted to Israel. 1952 United States explodes hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean. 1952 Cyram and Becker statistically demonstrate connection between death rate and weather. 1952 The 1952 U.S. Army Soldiers Guide redefines Democracy as “including the policies of the Armed Forces.” 1952 Albert Lasker, who manages the ACS, dies. Mary Lasker lobbies Congress for funds “to fight can-cer,” and the National Cancer Institute Budget goes from $18 million per year to $110 million per year—half involved with the chemotherapy paradigm. Mary would also begin to plan the looting of the U.S. Treasury for the “cancer program.” (See 1969) 1952 Cornelius Rhoads, who had been chief medical officer of the U.S. Army's Chemical Warfare Divi-sion, is head of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. 1952 Nobel prize Bloch & Purcell for work on magnetic fields in atomic nuclei. 1952 Germany becomes member of the World Bank. 1952 Britain explodes nuclear device in Australia. 1952 From 1952 to 1956, the cities on the “fluoridation list” began to fluoridate their water supplies. As the process of water fluoridation continued, the cancer death rate of the fluoridated cities began to far exceed the rate of the unfluoridated cities.