1952 U.S. Representative Dr. A. L. Miller, Chairman of the Special Committee on Chemicals and Foods, stated, “I sometimes wonder if ALCOA Aluminum and its subsidiaries might not have a deep interest in getting rid of sodium fluoride, a toxic waste product of the aluminum industry. In this con-nection it is interesting to note that the person in charge of the public heath, Oscar Ewing, is also an attorney for ALCOA.” 1952 Contraceptive birth control pill using phosphorated hesperidin produced. 1952 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, Hearings of the Select Committee to Investigate Use of Chemicals in Food and Cosmetics. Dr. Miller “The U.S. Dental Association made some examination and recom-mended to the farmers that fluorine not be added to the water of pregnant sows because it did something to the pigs that were unborn” Dr. Porterfield, “There is more money available for matters that have eco-nomic value than there is for health.” 1952 Germ warfare project in Key West Florida and Ft. McClellan, Alabama. 1952 Formulation of the polio vaccine begins. Tens of millions of doses of polio vaccines produced from virus grown in monkey cells infected with SV-40 (Simian Virus #40). Scientists perform experi-ments in laboratories to determine the correct doses of antigen and supplementary chemicals to use in the polio vaccine. (Ironically, since the scientific premise of vaccination is faulty, a “correct dose of antigen and chemicals” does not exist). 1952 Third “UFO Flap” year. George Adamski and George Hunt Williamson. 1952 Prince Bernhard comes to U.S. to campaign for Congressman Gerald Ford. 1952 Canadian government and U.S.A.F. cooperate in biological experiments in Canada. 1952 U.S. Army Chemical Corps fund experiments at New York State Psychiatric Institute lasting until 1957 on the effects of mind control drugs on humans. The chief investigator, Dr. Paul Hoch, later heads up New York State's Dept. of Mental Hygiene. 1952 Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller become Eisenhower’s “representatives for cold war affairs,” responsible for further importation of ex-Nazis into the U.S. 1952 A series of mysterious disks overfly Washington, D.C. 1952 A two-year program ending in 1953 begins where the U.S. government conducts biological war-fare experiments over Canada (Winnepeg, Manitoba) and the U.S. (St.Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, Leesburg, and the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland. A military report noted respiratory problems. 1953 Allen Dulles becomes Director of the CIA. 1953 In the United States, Senator Charles Tobey begins a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. U.S. Justice Department attorney Ben Fitzgerald is hired as special counsel. Fitzgerald's report con-cluded that “the AME, in direct collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the Federal Drug Administration, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments.” Said Fitzgerald, “if radiation, surgery and drugs are the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research.” Senator Tobey is dispatched with a convenient “heart attack,” as has happened to others who threaten the cancer industry. Tobey's replacement, Senator John Bricker, orders Fitzgerald to stop the investigation. Fitzger-ald refuses and is fired. The investigation is halted and buried. 1953 Dr. C. Nash Herndon becomes president of the American Eugenics Society. 1953 Planning meeting held by Dulles, Ford Foundation director, Robert Hutchins, and Dr. Humphrey Osmond, personal physician to Aldous Huxley, for Ford Foundation-funded mescaline and LSD research. Another meeting in 1953. Aldous Huxley was the grandson of Rhodes Round Table Group co-founder Thomas Huxley. Aldous Huxley, author of Doors of Perception, had a personal paradigm which included the concepts of Dionysian “children of the sun” and an Illuminist-Osiris-Isis orientation. Aldous was also tutored by H.G. Wells, who was also in charge of British Foreign Intelligence in 1916. One of the curious books written by Wells was The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolu-tion. Huxley's initiation into psychedelic substance was provided by Aleister Crowley. It is thought by some that the British push of psychedelic chemicals on the United States is reminiscent of the paradigm of opium in China.
1953 Tavistock Institute, connected to the psychological warfare division of British Intelligence and funded by the Ford Foundation, British Defense Ministry, and Harvard University, sponsors conferences on such subjects as the “dialectics of liberation,” hosted by psychoanalyst R.D. Laing and attended by Angela Davis and Stokely Carmichael. 1953 Dr. Frank Olsen suicides after LSD dose by CIA. 1953 Dr.Sidney Gottlieb runs CIA drug programs. 1953 At the University of Zurich, Dr. S.Kong of the Pediatric Clinic compiles a list of 82 cases of Per-tussis vaccine damage from world literature. 1953 Robertson Panel (CIA) views “UFOs” as national security threat. CIA is reported at this time to have been well penetrated by the KGB. CIA is hostile to those who witness strange aircraft. 1953 Army germ warfare projects in Panama City, Florida. 1953 John Magdiel writes T. Henry Moray from Mexico and tells him that great changes will be taking place in Russia, and tells Moray that it would be his big chance for Radiant Energy - under Russian aus-pices. Moray refuses. 1953 Senator Charles Tobey, Jr. enters an investigative report into the Congressional Record (Fitzgerald Report) which indicated that evidence existed of a conspiracy to suppress medical advances in the treat-ment of cancer in the 1950's. 1953 Soviets begin research on biological effects of microwaves. A special lab is set up at the Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences. Other labs are set to study the effect of microwaves and low frequency electromagnetic radiation. 1953 Return of Korean prisoners of war, some of whom are brainwashed. 1953 Otto Bender closes down his International Flying Saucer Bureau after a visit from three MIB. 1953 Soviet Union explodes hydrogen bomb. 1953 Eisenhower inaugurated as President of the U.S. and Queen Elizabeth crowned. 1953 B.F.Skinner publishes Science and Human Behavior. 1953 Between 1953 and 1957, the U.S. Army gave $140,000 to the New York State Psychiatric Institute to discover what effect selected drugs would have on patients. 1953 Thomas Brown demonstrates electrogravity for U.S.A.F. It becomes top secret. 1953 CIA transfers $10 million to Ewen Cameron for MK Ultra projects. 1953 Pertussis vaccinations in France, Chile, Austria, Holland and the Scandinavian countries are posi-tively correlated with cases of autism. U.S. ignores data. 1953 The Swedish conduct a study on the Pertussis vaccine. Anna L. Annell, a Swedish researcher, writes a major work on Pertussis which indicates that “pertussis vaccine may be associated with the most varying kinds of cerebral complications which may be cortical, subcortical, or peripheral.” Encephalitis after vaccination is known to produce the same range of disabilities and impairment. Annell also wrote, “during the past few decades certain of the epidemic children’s disease, measles in particular, have shown an increased tendency to attack the central nervous system. After the 1920's a large number of cases involving CNS damage were reported.
1953 Alcoa's Oscar Ewing builds 7,300 acre Research Triangle Corporation. 1954 Wilhelm Reich begins cloudbuster experiments in Maine. 1954 Smith, Kline, and French puts Thorazine on the market. By 1975, doctors would write 200,000,000 prescriptions annually for psychotropic drugs for people not hospitalized. 1954 First recorded Bilderberger meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland. 1954 Attempted assassination of several Congressmen by “Puerto Rican Nationalists.” 1954 Joseph McCarthy vs. The Communists scenario. 1954 Salk vaccine begins to be given to school children in Philadelphia. 1954 Parke-Davis pharmaceutical company combines the DPT shot with Polio vaccine. The new com-bination of four vaccines is called Quadrigen. (See 1959). 1954 Nobel prize to Enders & Robbins for work on polio virus. 1954 United States explodes another hydrogen bomb in Bikini Island. 1954 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memo deems LSD A “new agent for unconventional war-fare.” CIA orders100 million doses from I. G. Farben through Sandoz for mind control experiments well into the 1960's. 1954 New York Times announces Stephen Bechtel, chairman of Bechtel Corp, has become a partner of J. P. Morgan Company. 1954 Oppenheimer dismissed from government service. 1954 Temple of Mithras excavated in London. 1954 Locust plague in Morocco. 1954 Physicists Enrico Fermi and Fritz London die. 1954 Eurovision network formed. 1954 Army germ warfare project in Point Magu and Fort Hueneme, California. 1954 Russian KGB created to replace secret police. 1954 A study is published which links fluorides and the development of cancer in animals. Ref: A Tay-lor, “Sodium Fluoride in the Drinking Water of Mice,” Dental Digest, Vol. 60, pp170-172. 1954 Broadcaster Frank Edwards fired for discussing UFO on radio station. 1954 “Strange voice from space” speaks from shut-off radios in midwestern U.S. and London. Voice warns against preparations for war. 1954 Mass introduction of sugared soft drinks in the United States. 1954 Wilhelm Reich organized expedition into American southwest to undertake experiments on desert development. Reich also disables two UFOs with his cloudbuster. DOR removal programs begin with cloudbuster. 1954 General vaccination programs against Polio begin in the United States. 1958 Dr. A. Aslander in Stockholm in 1958 (Tooth Formation in the Light of Plant Nutrition) that indi-cates that food supplementation with bone meal has a most profound decay protective effect in children.
1958 World literature now contains 107 cases of severe reaction to Pertussis vaccine (93 of those cases were in the U.S.). At the Fountain Hospital in London, Dr. J.M. Berg analyzed the 107 cases and found that 31 of them showed signs of permanent brain damage. Berg calls attention to the danger of mental retardation as an effect of the Pertussis vaccine and emphasizes that “any suggestion of a neurological reaction to a Pertussis vaccination should be an absolute contraindication to further inoculation.” The United States medical establishment ignores and suppresses the data. American physicians maintain that the damage caused is small compared to “lack of 'serious' reactions in children vaccinated.” No data has ever been found to justify a basis for this conclusion. 1958 Soviets on May 1 attempt to launch a mission with the objective of a lunar flyby or impact. Launch failure. 1958 The U.S. on Aug. 17 attempts to launch a Thor-Able 1 rocket with an initial lunar probe. The launch vehicle explodes. 1958 The Soviets attempt another lunar probe launch on Sept. 24. Launch failure. 1958 John McCone becomes Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. Bechtel becomes the world's largest contractor for building nuclear plants. McCone would later become a director of Stan-dard Oil of California and ITT. 1958 Hordes of Mafia selected candidates swept into American politics. 1958 Verdict of $147,000 rendered against Cutter Laboratories in California for the crippling of two children with the Salk polio vaccine. Cutter Labs was the only vaccine manufacturer not part of the Rockefeller Trust. 1958 John Von Neumann assigned new identity as Dr. Rinehart. 1958 Project Argus nuclear detonations in space create radiation belts. 1958 International Geophysical Year exploration of polar regions. 1958 The U.S. launches Pioneer I on October 11th with the intention of orbiting the moon. The launch failed to achieve required velocity. Another attempt is made on November 8th with Pioneer 2. Failed to achieve required velocity. 1958 Soviets attempt but fail to launch a lunar flyby probe on Nov. 26th. 1958 The U.S. launches lunar probe Pioneer 3. Fails to achieve required velocity but gains radiation belt data around the Earth. 1958 In October 1958, Dr. J.F. Montague, a medical doctor, published material reflecting his growing concern over fluoridation in the Journal of the International College of Surgeons connecting the pres-ence of fluorine in the human body to cancer. Also in 1958, an interesting piece of work was done by Dr. James Kerwin, a dentist, in which it was shown that the simultaneous presence of fluorine and stron-tium 90 in the human body may result in a greater accumulation of both substances in which compounds like strontium fluoride are formed. Because of the low solubility of these substances, the body has a very hard time getting rid of them. His report was published in Dental Digest in February 1958. 1958 McGill University in Montreal CIA-funded experiments with LSD. A 1986 study of CIA develop-ment of LSD notes that “nearly every drug that appeared on the black market in the 1960's had been pre-viously scrutinized, tested, and in some cases refined by CIA and U.S. Army scientists.” (“Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellions,” by Lee and Shlain, New York, Grove City Press, 1986). 1958 Timothy Leary conducts his first experiments with LSD at the Kaiser Foundation Experimental Hospital in San Francisco.
1958 Survey of 13,000 adolescent boys in Philadelphia who had been vaccinated, 7.5% were associated with crime. 1958 Cameron’s MK ULTRA report devoted to psychic driving. Sub-project 68. 1958 NASA created with charter to prevent ET information from public. 1958 Delaney Act on Food Additives Enacted into law. 1958 Beijing integrates external financial affairs with top British drug running firms in Hong Kond and Macao. 1958 Bilderberger meeting in Buxton, England. 1958 Microchip released onto the market. 1958 Russia launches first “space satellites.” 1958 United States establishes NASA, with internal provision that any sign of extraterrestrial life dis-covered will be suppressed. 1958 U.S. launches moon rocket, but never reaches destination. 1958 Space probes reveal radiation belts around the Earth. 1958 John Birth Society organized. 1958 Nelson Rockefeller elected Governor of New York. 1958 Time magazine reports that a Harvard biochemist and his assistants had been working for 10 years, bankrolled by the Sugar Research Foundation, to discover a way to prevent sugar causing dental decay. No remedy found. 1958 U.S. Government burns papers of Wilhelm Reich in New York City. 1958 Food and Drug Act of 1958 took up use of irradiation, defined as “additive.” 1958 Outgoing President of the Gerontological Society, Dr. A. Lansing, muses “finding a cure for can-cer and heart disease would be a major financial disaster which would bankrupt the social security sys-tem and the insurance companies.” Prevention, J.L. Rodale, 11/1961. 1959 Attempted assassination of Senator Bircher of Ohio and Governor Almond of Virginia. 1959 The U.S. launches Pioneer 4, which passes within 37,500 miles of the Moon and returns radiation data in March 1959. 1959 A breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence occurs from Cornell psychologist Frank Rosenblatt, who designs a neural network called a “perceptron” that could be “trained” to perform simple classifications of visual patterns. It would have a great impact on the field of AI. Researchers turned their backs on conventional AI algorithms to build perceptrons and similar neural nets in an attempt to expand on pat-tern recognition capabilities. In the mid-1960's other work would define what perceptrons could not do, when Minsky and Papert publish Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry. 1959 In the report of the proceedings of the 3rd Medical-Dental Conference on the Evaluation of Fluo-ridation, held on March 7, 1959, in New York City, the committee concluded that “It is apparent that the practice of fluoridation is not the simple, trustworthy procedure that the promoting authorities have given the profession and the public to believe.” Added to the lack of control of fluorides at the consum-ers tap are these major uncertainties: the gross variation in individual water consumption, the varied intake of fluorides in food and the fluoride intake from atmospheric and occupational exposure. These unpredictable issues make meaningless any talk about “controlled individual fluorine intake.” Most, if not all of this research has been buried by the authorities, who maintain glibly that “fluoride compounds are safe in the water supply.”