1967 Dr. Vincent Fulginiti, M.D, former chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases, asserts that inactivated measles vaccine should no longer be administered. See 1963. 1967 Killed measles vaccine is discontinued in the United States. 1967 General vaccination program for Mumps begins in the United States. 1967 Onassis takes over Las Vegas. 1967 Assassination of American Nazi George Rockwell in Virginia. 1967 Jack Ruby dies of cancer awaiting trial. David Ferrie found dead at hotel. 1967 CIA Operation Phoenix launched. Operation would lead to torture of 40,000 in Vietnam. 1967 CIA $21 million rain-making project over Asia. Would make 2,600 sorties by 1972. 1967 CIA Operation Prometheus allows military takeover of Greece. 1967 Ex-OSS commando and Australian Prime Minister Jim Thompson disappears. 1967 Tavistock Institute fosters the notion that no criteria for sanity exists and that psychedelic “mind expanding” drugs are valuable tools of psychoanalysis. A proponent of the paradigm is Tavistock psy-choanalyst Dr. R.D. Laing. 1967 Plethora of “MIB” incidents. 1967 Panel of Privacy and Behavioral Research concludes “legislation to assure appropriate recognition of the rights of human subjects is neither necessary not desirable.” (See 1969, Delgado, p211) 1967 Animal mutilation case of horse in San Luis Valley, Colorado. 1967 Johnson signs the Wholesome Meat Act into law. 1967 The paradigm of the cult of the “flower people” in San Francisco. The U.S.A has now been pre-pared for the onslaught of LSD, hashish, and marijuana. 1967 AMA receives 43% of income from drug advertisements. $13.6 million. 1967 Science magazine (10/20/67) features article on Joshua Lederberg of the Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine. Lederberg notifies the scientific world that “live viruses (as in vaccines) are genetic messages used for the purpose of programming human cells” and “we already practice biological engineering on a rather large scale by use of live viruses in mass immunization cam-paigns.” 1967 ITT obtains $27 million compensation for damage to factories in Germany. 1967 National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) awards $500,000 to psycho-surgeons to investigate the use of psychosurgery on the “violence prone.” 1967 Death of three U.S. astronauts on launching pad. 1967 Soviets launch Luna 13 to moon.
1967 AMA forces Veterans Administration to refuse chiropractic service payments. 1967 Dr. Ewen Cameron, president of the American and Canadian Psychiatric Association, dies. 1968 Rockefeller monopoly moves to back food irradiation process on national level 1968 Vietnamese are given U.S. supplied processed rice (with B-complex removed) and tons of sugar. Induces mass disease in Vietnamese. Processed rice was given to replace healthy whole rice diet with unhealthy western diet. 1968 Jackie Kennedy marries Onassis. 1968 Last 25% of gold reserves for Federal Reserve Notes removed. 1968 The regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia was responsible for 2,397,000 murders between 1968 and 1987. 1968 Martin Luther King assassinated. 1968 Reinhard Gehlen retires from the Federal Intelligence Service. 1968 Outer space hydroponics research project established under the administration of Dr. Arthur Pil-grim, funded by Boeing, for use on the moon. Project Lunar Base Alpha One. Project would last until 1972. 1968 With funding from George Grant Hogg, heir to the J.C.Penny fortune, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love sets up LSD and hashish production and marketing operations in Costa Rica. 1968 General Electric recalls 90,000 color televisions emitting x-rays. 1968 The Kaiser Group founded. Group composed of 60 German-Americans who want to make Nixon a dictator. 1968 Ship Scheersberg disappears with 200 tons of uranium. Believed to have been taken to Israel. 1968 Surveyor 7 lands on the moon. Apollo 7 and 8 launched. 1968 More than 78 million television sets in United States. 1968 Crimes of violence increase 57% since 1960. 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. 1968 Robert Kennedy announces his bid for president and is assassinated. 1968 Richard Nixon elected president of the United States. 1968 Queen Elizabeth II visits Brazil and Chile. 1968 Riots at democratic convention in Chicago. 1968 United States explodes experimental hydrogen bomb underground in Nevada. 1968 FBI begins counterintelligence plans against New Left and Black radicals. 1968 Minnesota Judge Mahoney (Martin vs. Mahoney) declares Federal Reserve notes invalid. Mahoney found dead of a “heart attack” months later. 1968 Thousands of sheep die in Dugway Proving Ground test, bringing the U.S. nerve gas program under public scrutiny. 1968 Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1968. The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a literal carbon copy of the 1938 Gun Control Act in Nazi Germany. 1968 For one year, the CIA begins chemical warfare experiments relative to the poisoning of water sys-tems by injecting a chemical substance into the water supply of the FDA building in Washington.
1969 Federal inspectors hold back 130,000 cattle carcasses for removal of carcinomas and cancer of the eye. 1969 William J. Clinton secures a draft deferment and leaves to attend Oxford in England. Clinton would lead anti-American demonstrations in London in reference to the war in Vietnam. 1969 Mary Lasker initiates “the War on Cancer,” eventually resulting in Nixon signing it into law in 1971. It would provide vast taxpayer dollars to the NCI and derivative benefits to the ACS. 1969 Dr. Harlan Jones, professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, states that according to carefully researched statistics, cancer patients who did not receive surgery, che-motherapy, or radiation had a greater life expectancy that the ones who receive treatment by about four times. Ref: Harlan Jones, “A Report on Cancer,” available at University of California Berkeley library. (See 1975) 1969 Diphtheria outbreak in Chicago. The Chicago Board of Heath reports that 37.5% of the Diphtheria cases had been fully vaccinated or showed immunity. 1969 Neurologically defective 4 and 5 year olds begin to appear. 1969 Ted Kennedy’s aide Mary Jo Kopechne, dies after hearing Kennedy talk with Bechtel, Alioto (Mafia), John Tunney and others. 1969 First whispers of the “Gemstone File” are released. 1969 A Congressional study reveals that 37 of 49 top officials of the FDA who left the agency moved into high positions within pharmaceutical companies they had regulated. (See 1975). 1969 Arthur Jensen, psychology professor at the University of California at Berkeley, receives national attention when the Harvard Educational Review publishes his article “How Much Can We Boost IQ.” In the article, Jensen argues against compensatory education and proposes to redefine the scope of the def-inition for mental retardation to include 37 million Americans. 1969 Height of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. U.S. deep in debt to International Bankers, torn by inter-nal strife. 1969 Bilderberger meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. 1969 University of Virginia Symposium on the Biological Effects and Health Implications of Micro-wave Radiation. At the conference Czech scientist Dr. Karel Marha reveals that microwave effects on humans include fear, irritability, depression, inhibition of intellectual functions and decreased memory. 1969 Dr. Allan Frey determines that humans can hear pulsed microwaves from 300 to 3,000 MHz. 1969 By 1969, the fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 225 per 100,000 people, while non-fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 195 per 100,000. The data indicates a fluo-ride- linked increase of cancer of 10% in only 13-17 years. These figures were checked and confirmed in 1979 by the United States National Cancer Institute. The increase in cancer death observed in fluori-dated cities occurred primarily in people ages 45 and over; this fact is explainable because both the immune system and the normal DNA repair process (the two major defense systems against cancer) decline with age. 1969 Eisenhower dies. 1969 California governor Ronald Reagan institutes a special training project at the National Guard Camp in San Luis Obispo, California, to train leaders in population control. By 1979, 14,000 people would be trained in this population control seminar. 1969 Mass Vietnam War protests from public.
1969 Melchior describes 22 children in which there was a close temporal connection between various vaccinations, especially Pertussis, and infantile spasms. (Melchior, J.H. 1980, Textbook of Child Neurology, 1990 Textbook of Child Neurology, 1990 Workshop on neurological complications of Per-tussis and Pertussis vaccination.) 1969 Fifteen Russia generals die in “unrelated” incidents within 30 days. 1969 CIA-linked Professor Thomas Rika disappears from Boulder, Colorado. 1969 Part of the grounds at Fort Dietrich Biological Warfare Laboratory renamed the Frederick Cancer Research Facility and given to the National Cancer Institute for “civilian medical research.” By 1971, funding had tripled. 1969 Nixon promulgates EO 11490 incorporating 23 earlier EOS to permit seizure of the country in a created “national emergency.” 1969 Less than 25% of those in Federal Prison are in on drug charges. 1969 U.S. Department of Defense sought funds from Congress to create a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Funds granted in 1970 Appropriations. 1969 Richard Nixon orders a “ban” on chemical and biological weapons. After the “ban,” the Army Biological Warfare Laboratory at Fort Detrick is renamed “The Frederick Cancer Research Institute” and turned over to the National Cancer Institute for civilian use. The military section is later renamed the “U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease” (U.S.AMRIID), which is “restricted to defensive research.” By 1971, the budget of the FCRI would triple. (See 1983, FCRI). 1969 Apollo 10,11,12 flights to moon. Apollo 11 mission spots huge spacecraft on the moon. (Arm-strong conversation with professor in British Intelligence). 1969 CIA achieves direct communication between brain and computer. The capability develops to unscramble one person’s brainwaves, decipher and record them, and beam them to another person. ‘1969 Dr. Jose Delgado publishes “Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society.” Delgado states that it is possible now to control human movements, glandular functions, specific mental manifestations, and behavior indistinguishable from spontaneous activity. According to Delgado, “the individual is defenseless against direct manipulation of the brain because he is deprived of the most inti-mate mechanisms of biological reactivity.” 1969 Weber observes “gravity waves” postulated by Einstein in 1916. 1969 Mariner space probe sends pictures back of Mars. 1969 “The Green Revolution,” a ploy of the international bankers to make the Third World reliant on agrichemicals and hybridized seed (will not itself produce seed), and to export Third World plant variet-ies to patented seed banks, begins. 1969 U.S. takes steps to ban DDT in the United States, but DDT still exported. 1969 Nobel for Delbruck, Hershey, and Luria on genetic structure of viruses. 1969 Sociologically, the “gay revolution” is launched in the United States. 1970 G.A. Rosenberg writes, “an autoimmune allergic mechanism has been postulated as the cause of the occurrence of post-vaccination encephalitis, possibly with an initial invasion of the nervous system by a virus, with subsequent antigen-antibody reaction.” If this line of research is followed up, the inter-relation will doubtless be substantiated. (Ref: immunizations). 1970 William J. Clinton leaves Oxford for Scandinavia and activist meetings in Oslo, Norway, at the same time American activist leaders meet in Hanoi to plan a conference and demonstration in Stock-holm. (Jan. 70). Clinton would abandon his pursuit of a Rhodes scholarship later in the year.
1970 Project Pandora activities are curbed, but research takes a turn where classified RF Mind Control testing becomes a military priority, since pulsed microwave beams outperform drugs, ECT, torture, brain surgery and other forms of behavior modification. 1970 U.S. Congress places an amendment to the General Education Provision Act entitled “Prohibition Against Federal Control of Education,” prohibiting the U.S. government from “direction, supervision, or control over any curriculum, program of instruction, administration or personnel of any school, or school system, over the selection of books, library resources, or instructional materials.” In practice, the government ignores the ruling. See 1967 “Designing Education for the Future” for collusion between government and state education industries. 1970 RAND Corporation publishes a report entitled “A Brief Survey of Literature Relating to Influence of Low Intensity Microwaves on Nervous Function.” The author notes that the U.S. microwave guide-line in effect for the public, 10,000 mw/cm2, provide for non-thermal levels of microwaves which pro-duce behavioral disturbances in humans. These disturbances include irritability, loss of memory, fatigue, headache, tremors, hallucination, autonomic nervous system disorders and disturbed sensory functioning. The report continues in discussion of several possible mechanisms which allow these effects. 1970 A companion paper, “A Direct Mechanism for the Direct Influence of Microwave Radiation on Neuroelectric Function,” is also produced by R.J. MacGregor for the RAND Corporation. In the report, he notes that power densities of close to 100,000 mw/cm2 can produce auditory hallucinations in a field that would be averaged as low intensity and non-thermal. According to MacGregor’s model, this would produce a depolarization of brain tissue of 2.0-3.0 mV, where he concludes that neuroelectric effects should exhibit a maximum effect in the microwave range. 1970 Due to the increasingly mild nature of whooping cough (Pertussis), infant deaths cease from natu-rally acquired Pertussis in Sweden. Deaths associated with vaccine continue. Sweden stops Pertussis vaccination in 1970. 1970 U.S. Army buries drums of DDT and other chemicals in British Columbia's far north. (AP 9/11/ 94). 1970 U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) reports “as much as 26% of children receiv-ing ruebella (german measles) vaccination in national testing programs developed arthralgia and arthri-tis. Many had to seek medical attention and some were hospitalized.” 1970 Apollo 13 mission almost loses astronauts after breakdown in equipment. 1970 First synthesis of gene announced at University of Wisconsin. 1970 Soviet Luna 16 goes to moon for samples. 1970 Ford Foundation establishes the Police Foundation, headed by Pat Murphy, to train police in behaviorism and “human relations.” 1970 Otto Warburg, physiologist and chemist, dies. 1970 U.S. Army records show that amyl nitrate (“poppers”) was one of many drugs tested by a chemi-cal warfare laboratory in the 1960's and 1970's. (See 1972). 1970 Zbigniew Brzezinski writes Between Two Ages; reveals that Americans will be introduced to new concepts: a new monetary system replacing the dollar and a reduced standard of living to support it. He predicts the “gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society, dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on superior scientific know-how.” This elite would “not hesitate to achieve its political ends by the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.” Additionally, Brzezinski says that “Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision.” He theorizes that the liberal democratic societies would support authoritarian forms of government if they were given a choice between a dictatorship and social/intellectual disorder.