1987 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) releases a study indicating that the Hib vaccine shows an effi-cacy (effectiveness) rate of 41%. Children were found to be five times more likely to contract the dis-ease than those not vaccinated. 1987 Star Wars budget is 4.1 billion. Intelligence budget $35 billion. 1987 Atlantic Monthly magazine elaborates on how EM weaponry has been developed with the ability to both affect the nervous system and to induce death. 1987 CDC now refuses to give out figures relative to hepatitis vaccinations and HIV+ to justify their claims. 1987 The Philadelphia Daily News carries a story that Colonel David L. Huxsoll, chief of the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) told a meeting of Soviet scien-tists that Soviet charges that the U.S. military created the HIV virus constituted “disinformation.” 1987 Iran-Contra Hearings. In a conversation between Rep. Jack Brooks and Senator Inouye, Inouye declines to answer Brooks question about FEMA and suspension of rights in the U.S., deferring an answer to a closed executive session. 1987 Project Moonscan allegedly gets under way for prepositioning mind control technology on the Moon to influence Earth's population. Managed by Airborn Instrument Labs and run by Eaton Corpora-tion. DOD takes over management in 1988. 1987 In its own dream world that ignores everyone else, the American Cancer Society on March 15th “officially announces” that “caught early enough, breast cancer has cure rates approaching 100 per-cent.” (Note: The ACS definition of “cured” involves life for 5 years after diagnosis, so “early detec-tion” would in fact artificially increase the ACS “cure rate”). 1987 LA policeman dies after finding CIA heroin distribution point in LA, CA. 1987 Murder rate in the U. S. jumps to 600:100,000. 1987 Estimated cases of rape number 910,000 in the United States. (Based on a rate of 91,000 as a 10% reported figure). 1987 “Dulce Papers” released. 1987 Recorded cases of syphilis jump 23% - largest increase since 1977. 1987 Unusually large number of humpback whales die of unknown causes, followed by toxic algal blooms (red tides) on the east coast of North America. 1987 Study determines that 16% of those under 30 are left handed. 1987 Johns Hopkins University irradiation conference stacked with proponents. 1987 European Parliament votes against food irradiation on precautionary grounds. 1987 Canadian Minister of Health announces food irradiation will be permitted. 1987 Alan Greenspan of J. P. Morgan Company appointed to head Federal Reserve. 1987 Sixty-six Japanese victims of Pertussis vaccine receive huge damage awards from the Japanese government. 1987 AMA found guilty of conspiring for 20 years to destroy chiropractic. The court concludes that “under the Sherman Act, every combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade is illegal.” 1987 National Reconnaissance Office budget $9 billion. 1987 Swedish Health Board declares amalgam to be toxic and unsuitable as a dental filling material.
1987 William Bise had the only article published on the behavioral effect of microwaves that is accepted by the “establishment” scientific community. Together with Elizabeth Raucher, Bise created an amazing demonstration that was video taped and nationally televised on October of 1987. Although nine hours of video tape was taken, only four minutes made it on the air. Four years went into their un-funded work, and the results speak for themselves. They had 300 human subjects that were tested under clinical conditions. Over 85% of them showed a repeatable response between an externally generated magnetic field and EEG brainwaves. Three male subjects were exposed to specific electronic patterns, such as spike waves, sawtooth waves, lissijous patterns, complex patterns like square waves with pulses, etc. In all cases they were correctly identified. This is not a statistical process. There was a med-ical doctor present in many cases. In one case, the doctor was supposed to be somebody from Army Intelligence, who said, “wow, this is really interesting.” They never heard from him again. The EEG documentation clearly showed pattern shifts associated with each change in waveform. There were dis-tinct signatures present in the brainwaves when the input magnetic field was shifted. The induction of line images into the human brain from a distance is publically proven. 1987 Dr. Vincent DeVita, head of the National Cancer Institute, issues a controversial recommendation to 13,000 cancer specialists “to give chemotherapy and surgery to all women with breast cancer, regard-less of whether it has spread.” 1987 The November issue of Newsweek refers to Michael Aquino as the “Second Beast of Revelation” in the wake of a criminal investigation involving child molestation at Presidio Army base. 1988 The Aquinos are featured on Oprah Winfrey. Nazi aspects of the Temple of Set are brought out on the program. 1988 Wall Street Journal article (7/15/88) details discoveries by scientists at the U.S. Naval Observatory and the Jet Propulsion Lab that the Earth has developed a wobble in its spin. 1988 An article in Medical Hypothesis, Vol. 25, p151-62, by Eleni Eleopoulos notes that about 25% of the population of Southern Japan has antibodies against the “HIV” virus, compared with 1% of the pop-ulation of the United States; there were only 14 cases of AIDS reported in Japan (a figure that has not significantly increased). 1988 Lederle Laboratories package insert for DPT vaccine reads “Pertussis vaccine has been associated with a greater proportion of adverse reactions than many other childhood vaccinations. Local reactions are common after administration of DTP, occurring in 35-50% of recipients. Febrile reactions are more likely to occur in those who have experienced such responses after prior doses.” 1988 A Swedish study finds that mammograms and early detection of breast cancer did not reduce the rate of death. Dr. Lars Janzon studied 42,000 women before concluding in an October 1988 British Medical Journal that mammograms should be restricted. When the Wall Street Journal in the U.S. informs an official of the American Cancer Society of the report, the official dismisses it. 1988 It becomes known that George Bush had fascists on his campaign staff; Philip Guarino (Freema-sonic P2 Guard, formed by the SS) and Nicolas Nazarenko (German SS Cossack Division), Laszlo Pasztor (Nazi collaborator and former member of the SS Arrow Cross Party), Radi Slavoff (member of Bulgarian cell formed from Nazi Bulgarian Legion) are examples. Bush campaign co-chairman Jerome Bentrar admits to having assisted hundreds of Nazis to emigrate to the United States. Bush quickly insti-tuted a policy of not releasing the roster of his “ethnic outreach group” available any longer. 1988 Medical Tribune publishes article “Brain Autoantibodies in 33% of Schizophrenics” which indi-cates that 33% of schizophrenia cases appear to be autoimmune in nature.” 1988 Battelle Memorial Institute releases its studies on fluorides and animal cancer for the U.S.PHS which, ironically, report highly specific fluoride-related cancers. The data is turned over to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), who gives the data to the Experimental Pathology Labs, who reclassify and delete items damaging to the pro-fluoridation faction. The altered data is then submitted to the “pathol-ogy working group” on December 6, 1989, after a year of reworking. All this with the full knowledge of EPA and U.S.PHS. (See 1990).
1988 Dr. Joel Boriskin, chairman of the ADA national fluoridation advisory committee, in an address before the Calgary Health Department, claims that “1500 mg of fluoride per day is prescribed to older people that have progressive hearing loss.” (Note: 1500 mg/day is a lethal dose). 1988 Pan American Flight crashes over Lockerbie, Scotland after CIA drug runner has a bomb planted in his baggage. The Libyans are blamed for the crash of flight 103 as a cover-up. Six agents on the plane were on their way to the United States to testify in a major drug case implicating the CIA. 1988 Popular Science, Jan. 1988, details U.S. supermagnets, each capable of reaching 9 Teslas, or 180,000 times the strength of Earth’s field, that are in use in the United States. 1988 New Education Data Improvement Project (1988-1991) provides technical assistance to each state in responding to federal data reporting requirements. The project additionally “analyzed the capacity of each state in the U.S. to provide standard data on U.S. students, school staff, revenues and expendi-tures.” 1988 Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory discover that fluoride promotes and enhances the carcinogenicity of other cancer-causing chemicals in the food and environment. Interestingly, this work confirmed studies sponsored by the United States National Cancer Institute conducted back in 1963 by Herskowitz and Norton at Saint Louis University. More than 30 years ago, these scientists showed that low levels of fluoride increased the incidence of melanotic tumors in living organisms from 12 to 100% - often these tumors were induced by fluoride over a period of days. These studies were further ampli-fied by work done by the Taylor's at the University of Texas which found that 1 ppm fluoride in drink-ing water increased tumor growth rate in mice by 25%. 1988 Penthouse Magazine, August 1988, details seven scientists murdered in Britain who worked on Star Wars (cover for EM Mind Control) projects at Marconi. Eventually, more than 22 British scientists working on related programs would commit suicide in bizarre ways. Another company who had scien-tists die was Plessey Defense Systems. Nearly all the scientists who died held electronics or computer-related contracts with the British Ministry of Defence academies. The British government blamed the deaths on “stress.” 1988 The U.S. Agency for International Development commits $88 million to a five year plan to steril-ize non-whites in foreign countries. 1988 Most powerful neural-net computer in the 1980's would be the Department of Defense commis-sioned TRW Mark III neuro-computer, consisting of 1 million “synapses,” but it only had 1/10000 of the capacity of a housefly. Later, AT&T Bell Labs researcher H. P. Graf develops an experimental chip comprising 256 neurons connected with 32000 synapses. The chips can be plugged into a standard com-puter. 1988 U.S. tests acellular Pertussis vaccine on Swedish children. Five children die, up to five months after vaccination. Deaths in the U.S. that occur within hours or days of a whole-cell vaccination are quickly dismissed and rarely investigated. 1988 Discovered that ingestion of 100 mg (.004 ounce) of sugar reduces the immune functions in the body by 50% within one hour. Other studies confirm that excessive sugar consumption may increase the incidence of infections and reduce the body's ability to defend against disease. Ref: Eat for Health, Wil-liam Manahan, M.D, Tiburon Press, 1988; Robert Mendelsohn, M.D, “The Risks of Immunizations,” 1988, Peoples Doctor Newsletter, Inc. 1988 Hearings held in Sweden on amalgam. 1987 ruling upheld.
1988 New York Times (4/19/88) reports that waves in the Atlantic ocean have increased more than 20% since the 1960's. Measurements taken since the 1960's indicate that “during the late 1970's” (a period following the start of Soviet and U.S. ELF transmissions), the waves got bigger. 1988 U.S. introduces plutonium powered pacemaker. 1988 Cocaine wars in Columbia. 1988 Both Soviet Mars “Phobos” probes fail during flight. 1988 Space shuttle Discovery launched successfully. 1988 Hawkins-Stafford Education Improvement Amendments, PL100-297 establishes the National Cooperative Education Statistics System “to involve state and federal governments in a mutual effort to produce state comparable and nationally uniform data on public and private school systems.” 1988 Internet computer virus jams 6,000 military computers in the U.S. 1988 British perform first brain cell transplants. 1988 Texas A&M University conducts study for lunar boring machine with a lithium cooled reactor. 1988 The B-2 stealth bomber is unveiled. 1988 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declares scrap dental amalgam to be a hazardous waste material. Mercury comprises over 50% of the “silver” dental filling. Mercury is a protoplasmic poison more toxic than lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Dr. Thomas Clarkson and Dr. John Hursh of the University of Rochester, School of Medicine, Department of Toxicology, and Dr. Magnus Nylander and Dr. Lars Friberg of the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, Sweden, concluded from their research that “the release of mercury from dental amalgam makes the predominant contribution to human exposure to inorganic mercury, including mercury vapor in the general population.” Over 100 million people have amalgam implants. 1988 Strecker Report on AIDS as artificial creation released. Strecker’s brother Ted found dead of “self-inflicted gunshot wound.” Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff, who beat the drum about an AIDS cover-up, found dead in his home of an overdose of heroin and cocaine. 1988 Two scientific studies find that new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 was found to be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr virus), an immune disorder first reported in 1982. 1988 President Reagan issues EO 12656, defining a National Emergency as “any occurrence that seri-ously degrades or threatens the security of the U.S.” 1988 Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D, publishes material indicating that Dr. John Seal of the National Insti-tute of Allergy and Infectious Disease believes that “any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre.” 1988 Bush proposes to use old military bases as prisons. 1988 New “conjugated” Hib vaccine approved for use in children at least 18 months old in the United States. Hib = Hemophilus Influenza Type B. 1988 Omnibus Anti-Drug Act of 1988. 1988 Research indicates that 25% of those vaccinated against rubella show no evidence of immunity within five years. In Wyoming, 73% of rubella cases occur in vaccinated children. 1988 According to a New York Times article on Nov. 8, 1988, p. C-1, it is estimated that adolescence was now lasting until the late 20's and that this represented evidence of a general developmental delay in a generation. 1988 The book “Matrix” released by Nevada Aerial Research Group (LERG).
1988 Senator Cranston allegedly shown disks at Norton AFB, California. 1988 (Feb.) National Cancer Institute Report says since 1953 cancer keeps growing 1988 Announced in Washington Post that all polio since 1979 caused by vaccine 1988 Washington Post reports only 2% of 60,000 chemicals in use have been tested for human safety. 1988 Brooklyn Family Court Study finds that 40% of juveniles have learning dysfunction. 1988 CIA director George HW Bush becomes president until 1992. 1988 Wall St. Journal reports Swedish dentist pituitaries contain 40x average mercury level. 1988 Washington Post reports more than 50% of pacemakers are unneeded. 1988 Study reveals that mathematical ability has virtually vanished in American adolescents. Nearly 50% cannot perform Junior High School problems, and 33% do not normally understand what the teacher is saying; 27% could not perform elementary math. 1988 Rex Niles, a former Southern California electronics salesman and a federal informant in a kick-back ring of Pentagon contractors, is harassed by government microwave weapons and helicopters over his home, depriving of so much sleep that he was unable to testify. Los Angeles Times, “A Fearful Fix Grips Figure in Kickbacks,” March 28, 1988, p.B-1. 1989 Soviets lose Mars probe link. 1989 Arms Control and Disarmament Act of 1989. HR1495 “construed carefully to avoid constitutional concerns.” 1989 At the in New Orleans Institute for Electric and Electronic Engineers Engineering and Medical Biology Conference in 1989, the following papers were presented: “Proto-biological Basis Of Laser Bio-stimulation” (U.s.s.r.) “Basic Mechanisms Of Magnetic Coil Excitation Of The Nervous System In Humans And Mon-keys And Their Application” “Stimulation Of Excitable Brain Tissue With Time-varying Magnetic Fields” “Trans-cranial Stimulation Of The Cerebral Cortex” “Directed Ability Of Magnetic Flux Density Vector In Magnetostimulators” 1989 Washington Post article, Feb. 17, “Bank Killer Tormented by Voices.” The subject was Emmanuel Tsegaye, an Ethiopian bank teller, who became “depressed and suicidal,” killing three bank employees in Bethesda, Maryland. Tsegaye was described as “attempting suicide several times” and was institu-tionalized more than once at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, well known for its involvement with CIA psychi-atric programs. Said Tsegaye, “I used to hear voices, repeated voices, speaking about the things I was thinking.” 1989 Air Force begins construction of second underground facility at Manzano Mountains in New Mexico. Completed in June 1992. 1989 On March 30, 1989, the California Department of Health Services reported that Niagara brand bottled water was found to contain 450 ppm fluoride. The state health director, Kenneth Kizer, warned residents that consumption could be fatal. 1989 Prestigious journal Nature publishes an article entitled “High Abundance of Viruses Found in Aquatic Environments,” detailing the discovery of 2.5 trillion viral particles 0.2 microns in size found in each liter of unpolluted sea water. (Aug. 10, 1989). Size equivalent to Naessens “somatids.” Is this the reason fish cannot live in synthetic sea water unless 2 oz. of real sea water is added?