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RE: The Thule Society

1991 The United Nations Population Fund, managed by William Draper III, asserts that 254 million
couples will be surgically sterilized in the course of the 1990's, and that if present trends continue, 80%
of women in Puerto Rico and Panama will be sterilized. Mexico is high on the list of targeted nations
for population control.
1991 New York Times (8/9/91) article describes the possible cause of the slowdown in Earth's rotation
(1988/1990) as an influence on the ELF level affecting core flow through magnetic induction.
1991 Second Immunization Conference in Canberra, Australia. Dr. Viera Scheibnerova reports that
“vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths.”
1991 Diane Sawyer does report on ABC about Burroughs Wellcome AZT tests on Romanian babies.
FLV.23A is a reagent oxidative catalyst, as AZT is toxic to humans and destroys the immune system.
1991 The U.S. Public Health Service recommends a child receive the first DPT shot at two months of
age, with subsequent shots given at 4, 6, and 18 months, and between the ages of 4 and 6. At the same
time, Europe, Sweden and several other countries routinely “wait” until after 6 months of age “because
of the improved antibody response in babies whose immune systems are more developed.”
1991 Annual Conference of the Society of Homeopaths, Manchester, England, September 91, Richard
Moskowitz, M.D. Revelation that the English National Health Service pays a “bonus” to doctors with
documented vaccination rates above SPECIFIED averages.
1992 The U.S. Senate adopts a resolution calling for the CIA to reveal its budget to Congress. The reso-lution
is dropped for the second year in a row.
1992 Lancet, Journal of the British Medical Association, reports (3/7/92) that the oral polio vaccine
used in the mid 1970's to treat recurrent herpes was contaminated with a number of potentially danger-ous
retroviruses, and may have seeded HIV among Americans.”
1992 Temple of Set leader Ltc.Michael Aquino travels to Wewelsburg castle in Germany and holds a
magical ceremony in the Hall of the Dead, considered in World War II by Heinrich Himmler to be the
place to summon the great powers of darkness and the focus today of the Order of the Trapezoid.
1992 Japanese embark on an Artificial Intelligence effort called the Sixth Generation Project, also
known as the Real-World Computing Project, whose stated goal is to achieve human brain-like comput-ing
by 2002. The Japanese government has already committed $500 million, and industry could inject
billions more. Computer maker Fujitsu alone spends $2 billion per year on research. Japanese research
is moving away from using silicon to using biological approachs Kyushu Institute of Technology has
fashioned a set of neuron-like switches based on biological chemicals known as a “cyclic enzyme sys-tem,”
employed in living organisms to regulate biological processes.
1992 U.S. agencies test mass telephonic wiretapping equipment in six major cities, which would even-tually
manifest in the Wiretap Access Bill passed by Congress in 1994.
1992 The riots in Los Angeles (April 29, 1992) take place simultaneously with mind control projects
High Tone and Xeno, which test human frequency operations and frequency wave manipulation tech-niques,
many of which utilize cellular telephone frequencies which initiate a variety of physical and
psychological effects. The riot is supplemented by “sleepers” and agency plants that ignite many of the
structural fires in the city. Ships with unusual antennae are spotted in the Pacific adjacent to Los Ange-les
for three days prior to the outbreak of violence, along with Triad type black helicopter overflights.
1992 The “Cult Awareness Network” (CAN) conducts more than 1800 operations involving depro-gramming,
for which payment varied between $5000 and $20000 each. CAN began as the “Citizens Freedom Network,” founded in 1974 by Dr. L. J. West (UCLA mind control), Margaret Singer, and R.J.
Lifton. The CFN changed its name to the CAN in 1985/86.



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Posts: 604

1992 Highly secretive, quasi-independent elements within the U.S. intelligence community, primarily
the CIA, along with BCCI and laundered profits from drug and gun trafficking, back Arkansas' Bill
Clinton for President.
1992 In Britain, molecular biologist Peter Duesberg publishes a 76-page article in Pharmacology and
Therapeutics (Vol55), in which he systematically takes apart the theory that AIDS is caused “by an
infectious virus” and that “HIV” is capable of the wholesale destruction claimed. Robert Gallo and oth-ers
base their theory of the HIV-AIDS link on purely circumstantial evidence: that this virus is present
in some people who have a general immune dysfunction. Duesberg quotes statistics presented by the
Institute of Medicine which shows that no more than 50% of American AIDS patients have antibodies
against HIV present in their systems. According to Duesberg, “twenty-five previously unknown and in
part unrelated diseases have been redefined as “AIDS,” provided they occur in the presence of HIV.”
1992 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits cases exist where there is T-Cell depletion in
persons without the presence of the “HIV” virus. The admission is in the September 9, 1992 issue of the
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
1992 Vancouver Sun (1/25/92) reports University of California chief neurosurgeon Ronald Young as
saying that a way has been found to focus ultrasonic waves so precisely that a beam can be directed into
a living brain and halt the activity of clusters of neurons. (UCAL Irvine). Neurons can be stunned or
killed with a higher power level, according to Young.
1992 U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Royal Society of London issue a joint state-ment
calling for more rapid stabilization of the population. Entitled “Population Growth, Resource Con-sumption
and a Sustainable World,” the statement endorses the Malthsian paradigm, which says that (1)
the planet can only support a certain finite population, and (2) that human population growth in itself
destroys the environment. (Iron Mountain application as external threat to replace war - possibility).
1992 Vil Mirzayanov, scientist with a 26-year background in Soviet chemical weapons programs, is
jailed for revealing Soviet continuation of chemical weapons program. Jailed again for the same reason
in 1994. Mirzayanov smuggled out information about the program that was published in the May 26,
1994 Wall Street Journal, which states that “the greatest results in the Soviet chemical weapons program
were achieved between 1985 and 1991. Because the military disguises production of binary chemical
weapons as use of “agricultural chemicals” and the West does not know the formula for the new weap-ons,
inspectors under the Chemical Weapons Treaty cannot identify the components.” Apparently the
Russians secured loopholes in the Treaty which allow it superiority in chemical weapons because the
prohibited substances do not include those known in Russia as “substance A-230, Substance A-232,
Substance A-233, etc.
1992 American Journal of Epidemiology reports that children die at a rate 8x greater than normal within
three days of receiving a DPT shot.
1992 Four (4) cases of Diptheria in the United States.
1992 Virginia legislature passes the Health Care Decisions Act, which specifically targets patients in
psychiatric or mental retardation facilities for extermination who have no “reasonable expectation of
1992 General elections in the United States.
1992 William J. Clinton becomes president. Cites Roosevelt as a model for change and ironically (as an
inside joke) Carroll Quigley as his mentor.
1992 Original target date for consolidation of European Economic Community by the New York bank-ers.



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Posts: 604

1992 A study of 200 juvenile offenders reveals 33% have personality disorders.
1992 Phoenix police station officers overheard talking about the coming “war in the streets with the
people.” NBC discusses students serving a 4-year term in a “national police force” to pay for college.
1992 Article in the Washington Post, Nov. 2, “On Vaccinating Safely” and Dec. 14th press release by
the National Vaccine Information Center indicate release by the FDA of a report acknowledging more
than 17,000 adverse events - including more than 350 deaths - following vaccination, all in a 20-month
period ending July 31, 1992. Reported events number far less than actual events, so number is actually
larger, perhaps 170,000 or more.
1992 Estimates of U.S. illicit drug consumption $150 billion, partially used as rationale to imprison cit-izens
on minor possession and establish draconian policies.
1992 Clinton Administration rejects conclusion of RAND Corporation study that $3 billion in drug
funds be switched from law enforcement to drug treatment.
1992 United States spends $24.9 billion on prison costs and allocates $79 billion for construction of
new prisons.
1992 Michael Perrone, a legislative assistant in New Jersey, contacts the FDA requesting all informa-tion
regarding the safety and effectiveness of fluoride tablets and drops. After 6 months of stalling, the
FDA admitted they had no data to show that fluoride tablets or drops were either safe or effective. They
informed Perrone that they will “probably have to pull the tablets and drops off the market.”
1992 From 1988 to 1992, over $249 million has already been awarded due to hundreds of deaths and
injuries caused by mandated vaccines. Thousands of cases are still pending. The permanent injuries
from vaccines include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, seizure disorders, mental retardation,
and paralysis. Many of the awards for pertussis vaccine deaths were initially (and wrongfully) misclas-sified
as Sudden Death Syndrome (SIDS).
1992 Clinton Administration legislation proposes a National Police Force.
1992 Percentage of Federal Prisoners in for drug convictions is 60%.
1992 Discovery Magazine (5/92) discusses the fact that disruption of the Earth's internal dynamo and
the alteration of upper atmosphere magnetic belts (See HAARP, 1994) can “create a premature reversal
of the magnetic poles, worsen the newly discovered wobble of the Earth, and possibly create a total
polar reversal or Earth shift. During at least one reversal, magnetic north may have changed direction by
as much as 4 to 8 degrees in a single day.”
1992 U.S. cost for drug offender incarceration $6.1 billion.
1992 U.S. government decides to award process patent rights for all transgenic (genetically engineered)
cotton to American biotechnology company (Agracetus), on behalf of chemical and nuclear multina-tional
W. R. Grace; Europe has also granted them the patent. The patents will give the company a plan-etary
monopoly on any new varieties of cotton. All cotton producing countries will pay royalties to use
the seeds, and growers worldwide will be forced to return to aerial spraying of cotton resistant to chem-ical
herbicides, which allows continued environmental contamination.
1992 Estimated that 11.2 million in U.S. use illicit drugs.
1992 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 87% of all cases of polio in the United States
between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine. The CDC also said that every case from 1980 to
1989 was cause by vaccine.
1992 Mars Observer launched (Dec. ‘93).



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1992 The EPA is ordered to reinstate a senior scientist, William Marcus, and pay him $50,000 for emo-tional
distress, after firing him because he publically questioned and opposed EPA policy on the use of
fluorides in water supplies.
1993 Estimated that 11.7 million in U.S. use illicit drugs.
1993 Princeton University historian Gerald Geison reveals evidence from the lab notes of Louis Pasteur
(See 1878) that Pasteur broke standards of scientific and medical conduct with his experiments, many of
which were unethical.
1993 Royal Swedish Academy of Science holds an international conference to discuss issues of popula-tion
growth, development, and the environment.
1993 More than 25 percent of all measles cases are occurring in babies under a year old. CDC attributes
this to growing number of mothers vaccinated between 1960 and 1980. When natural immunity is
denied by vaccination, measles immunity cannot be passed on to babies.
1993 Dr. Robert Gallo, “co-discoverer of HIV” reveals in the June issue of Bio Tech that the protein
“p24,” which is generally accepted to be the proof of HIV existence, is in fact found in all retroviruses
that live in the body and do no harm. It is not unique to “HIV” retrovirus. The detection of “p24” is the
basis for the ELISA test. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (1988 V318,p448-9)
revealed that antibodies to p24 were detected in one out of every 150 people.
1993 Arms sales to the Third World drop 20% to $23.9 billion from $28.6 billion in 1991. Third year in
a row the U.S. is the largest weapons broker to the Third World. Ironically, the U.S. warns China about
arms exports (July 93).
1993 Mars Observer planetary probe “falls silent” (August 93) just prior to orbit at Mars. $1 billion
1993 Scientists link 10 radiotelescopes into an instrument capable of clearly imaging the deepest
recesses of the universe, using a new system inaugurated in Socorro, New Mexico called the Very Long
Base Array (VLBA), capable of reading a newspaper from 3000 miles away. Los Angeles Times 8/20/
1993 New Mars Probe “considered as a possibility” by NASA (Sept. 93).
1993 Seiges at Ruby Ridge, Idaho (The Weaver incident) and The Waco incident. CIA “sleeper” Vernon
Howell (Koresh) and six other “sleepers” (a product of CIA mind control programs) are killed along
with 72 other men, women and children die as a result of nerve gas and fire in Waco. One of the CIA's
prime mind control programming facilities is also in Waco, Texas. Four BATF agents who were former
Clinton bodyguards are killed in the raid. The Waco compound is bombarded with 20 GHz microwave
transmissions in order to create extreme psychic trauma.
1993 Epidemic of Pertussis in Massachusetts, 218 students, 96% of whom were vaccinated against Per-tussis
(whooping cough).
1993 The U.S. Senate adopts a resolution calling for the CIA to reveal its budget to Congress. The reso-lution
is dropped for the third year.
1993 Clinton administration announces plans for a National Childhood Vaccination Program. 103rd
Congress introduces S732, S733, HR1460, legislation that would attempt to vaccine all children in the
United States, while severely limiting exemptions parents could claim. The bills also seek to set up a
national vaccine registry to track down parents who resist.
1993 The Great Midwest Flood in the United States. The Kansas City Star (9/24) reports that a research
team from the University of Alaska's Geophysical Institute (which is involved in the HAARP program)
discovered mysterious flashes of light in the midwest which shot from the tops of the clouds into the
upper atmosphere at the same time the area was being hit with a huge standing waves generated by the combined effect of Russian Woodpecker waves and the U. S. Gwen (See Matrix III) tower VLF waves.
The newspaper reported that the mysterious flashes resemble “jellyfish” about 40 miles in altitude.



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1993 The Journal of Geophysical Research reports immense lightening bolts over the Soviet Union.
Such superbolts were first seen after the Soviet Woodpecker began transmitting. Additionally, Science
magazine on 5/27 features an article “Atmospheric Scientists Puzzle Over High Altitude Flashes.”
1993 Public media steps up graphic discussion of subject of alien abduction.
1993 Crime Control Act of 1993.
1993 Tactical Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition (TIARA) budget $10
1993 Crime drops to 1973 rate, but Media broadcasts a crime increase.
1993 HR2892, Violent Crime Control and Regional Prison Partnership Act.
1993 National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP) budget $17 billion.
1993 Mediaeko Investigative Reporting Group releases report “Brain Transmitters: What They Are and
How They Are Used” in Stockholm, October 1993, which details the “use of liquid crystals injected
directly into the bloodstream that will fasten to the brain.”
1993 Two Indianapolis attorneys, Linda Thompson and John M. Baird, file a lawsuit against President
Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno, accusing them of trying to destroy the U.S. Constitution to
set up a “one-world government.” A total of $110 million in damages is sought over the Waco incident.
(Aug. 93).
1993 The “Hantavirus” strikes the Southwestern United States. Media campaign produced at the Rock-efeller
University in New York.
1993 Seattle Times reports that all polio in the U.S. is caused by vaccines. (6/10/93).
1993 CNN News announces that a couple win $2.9 million in a vaccination lawsuit.
1993 Media program (8/11/93) asking parents to order “Hepatitis vaccinations” for children.
1993 Associated Press (9/1/93) announces that five volunteers at the National Institutes of Health have
died from an experimental drug touted as a “miracle cure” for hepatitis B. Drug: Fialuridine (FIAU).
NIH Dr. Jay Hoofnagle “fears other toxic antiviral drugs as AZT and DDL may attack patients the way
FIAU did.” The article revealed that Dr. Raymond Schinazi of Emory University found in 1986 that
FIAU, under certain conditions, would metabolize into a very toxic compound. FIAU causes cells to
produce flawed mitochondria and DNA.
1993 CDC announces that smoking causes 22% of all cases of myeloid leukemia.
1993 The U.S. Army directs Walter Reed Army Institute of Research to sign an agreement with Micro-GeneSys
in Meridan, Connecticut, for a “large scale clinical evaluation” of an AIDS vaccine designed
to block destruction of the immune system. The VaxSyn vaccine uses a genetically engineered protein
that matches a protein called (gp160) that covers the surface of the HIV virus. (Note: That the HIV virus
is harmless and does not “cause AIDS” is known, illustrating that the military is in on the AIDS scam).
See Duesberg material.
1993 Increased presence and sightings of unmarked black helicopters.
1993 Centers for Disease Control announce expectation of a nasty A/Beijing flu season and recommend
flu shots nationally. (Sept. 1).
1993 Senator Edward Kennedy introduces a bill S.732, calling for a national computerized registry of
U.S. children under six years of age, together with at least one parent. “Childhood Immunization Bill.” The Kennedy legislation calls for children to receive “smart cards” at birth, followed by vaccination
tracking, and total surveillance. Clinton proposes “national medical ID.”

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