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Posts: 604
RE: The Thule Society II

From: "Blue Resonant Human"
Originally to:
Original Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 06:15:05 GMT

* Continuation from previous message....


And none dared stay me; for I laughed and exulted in my madness.
Yea, verily, I laughed, and laughed -- and laughed ---


THEN being healed of my madness I took all the treasure of
that old Magus which he had laid up for many years -- and none
gainsaid me. Great and splendid was it of gold more than twelve
bullocks could draw, of balassius rubies, and sardonyx, and
beryl, and chrysoprase; of diamond and starry sapphire, of
emerald much, very much, of topaz and of amethyst great and
wonderful gems. Also he had a figure of Nuit greater than a
woman, which was made of lapis lazuli specked with gold, carved
with marvellous excellence. And he had the secret gem of Hadit
that is not found on earth, for that it is invisible save when
all else is no more seen.

Then went I into the market and bought slaves. I bought me
in particular a giant, a Nubian blacker than polished granite
seen by starlight, tall as a young palm and straight, yet more
hideous than the Ape of Thoth. Also I bought a young pale
stripling from the North, a silly boy with idle languishing ways.
But his mouth burned like sunset when the dust-storms blow.
So pale and weak was he that all despised him and mocked him for
a girl. Then he took a white-hot iron from the fire and wrote
with it my name in hieroglyphics on his breast; nor did his
smile once alter while the flesh hissed and smoked.

Thus we went out a great caravan to a rocky islet in the Nile,
difficult of access for that the waters foamed and swirled
dangerously about it. There we builded a little temple shaped
like a beehive; but there was no altar and no shrine therein;
for in that temple should the god be sacrificed unto himself.

Myself I made the god thereof; I powdered my hair with gold,
and inwound it with flowers. I gilded my eyelids, and I stained
my lips with vermilion. I gilded my breasts and my nails, and
as God and Victim in one was I daily sacrificed unto that
strange thing that was none other than myself. I made my giant
Nubian high priest; and I endowed his wand with magic power, so
that he might properly perform my rites. This he did to such
purpose that many men from Memphis and even from more distant
towns, leaving their gods, came thither, and did sacrifice.
Then I appointed also the pale boy warder of the Sanctuary: and
he swore unto me to be faithful unto death.

Now there arose a great strife in Memphis, and many foolish
and lewd women cried out against us. So fierce was the uproar
that a great company of women issued forth from the city and
came into the island. They slew my pale boy at the gate, though
sword in hand he fought against them. Then they frothed on, and
I confronted them in my glory. They hesitated, and in that
moment I smote them with a deadly itching, so that running forth
they tore off their clothes and set themselves to scratching,
while my people laughed until they ached.

At the term, indeed, with exhaustion and with loss of blood
they died all; four hundred and two women perished in that great
day's slaughter. So that the people of Memphis had peace for

But as for me, I mourned the loss of that young slave. I had
his body embalmed as is not fitting for other than a king. And
at the door of the temple I placed his sarcophagus beneath a
hedge of knives and spears, so that there was no other access to
my glory.

Like honour hath no slave had ever.

Thus then I abode three cycles of the season; and at the end
of that time the high Priest died.

For mine was a strange and dreadful rite to do; none other,
and none unfortified by magic power, could have done this thing.

Yet I too sickened of that everlasting sacrifice. I was become
worn and wan; there was no blood but ice in my veins. I had indeed
become all but a god ...

Therefore I took the body of my Nubian, and slew four young
girls, and filled all the hollow spaces of his body with their
blood. Then too I sealed up his body with eight seals; and the
ninth seal was mine own, the centre of my godhead.

Then he rose slowly and staggeringly as I uttered the dreadful

"A ka dua
Tuf ur biu
Bi aa chefu
Dudu ner af an nuteru!"

Then I touched him with my wand and he rose into full power
of his being; and we entered in, and for the last time did he
perform (though silent) the ceremony. At whose end he lay
shrivelled and collapsed, shrunken like an old wineskin; yet his
blood availed me nothing. I was icier than before. Yet now
indeed was I Osiris, for I sent out flames of cold gray glory
from my skin, and mine eyes were rigid with ecstasy.

Yea, by Osiris himself, I swear it! Even as the eyes of all
living men revolve ceaselessly, so were mine fixed!

Then I shook myself and went forth into the city of Memphis,
my face being veiled and my steps led by slaves.

And there I went into the temples one by one; and I twitched
aside my veil, whereat all men fell dead on the instant, and the
gods tumbled from their places, and broke in pieces upon the

And I veiled myself, and went into the market-place and lifted
up my voice in a chant and cried:

"Death, and desolation, and despair!
I lift up my voice, and all the gods are dumb.
I unveil my face, and all that liveth is no more,
I sniff up life, and breathe forth destruction.
I hear the music of the world, and its echo is Silence.
Death, and desolation, and despair!
The parting of the ways is come: the Equinox of the Gods is past.
Another day: another way.
Let them that hear me be abased before me!
Death, and desolation, and despair!"

Then I pulled away my veil, and the cold lightnings of death
shot forth, and the people of the city fell dead where they

Save only one, a young boy, a flute-player, that was blind,
and, seeing not those eyes of mine, died not.

Then to him I spake, saying:

"Arise, summon the priests and the people, all that remain. And
let them build a temple unto Osiris the God of the dead, and let
the dead be worshipped for ever and ever."

This I said, and went out from the city with the two slaves
that I had left in the gate, and we went unto Nile, unto a cave
by the bank of the river; and there I abode for many months,
weeping for Isis my Lady. For though I had avenged her in many
dreadful deeds, yet I brought her not back unto life. Moreover
the love of her was as it were dead in me, so that my heart
stirred not at the thought of her. Say that my love wandered
like a ghost unburied, frozen, adrift upon the winds!

Now of my deeds at this period it is almost too horrible to
tell. For I performed great penance, in the hope of vitalizing
that dead principle in me which men call the soul.

I starved myself shamefully, in this manner. First surrounding
myself with all possible luxuries of food, brought in steaming
and savoury from hour to hour, I yet condemned myself to subsist
upon a little garlic and a little salt, with a little water in
which oats had been bruised.

Then if any wish arose in me to eat of the dainties around me

Continues in the next message -->



Status: Offline
Posts: 604

From: "Blue Resonant Human"
Originally to:
Original Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 06:16:20 GMT

* Continuation from previous message....

function in the whole course of the Cosmos.

For he that is born in the years of the power of a God
thinketh that God to be eternal, one, alone. But he that is
born in the hour of the weakness of the God, at the death of one
and the birth of the other, seeth something (though it be little)
of the course of things. And for him it is necessary to
understand fully that change of office (for the gods neither die
nor are re-born, but now one initiates and the other guards, and
now one heralds and the other sanctifies) its purpose and
meaning in the whole scheme of things.

So I, in this year V of the Equinox of the Gods (1908)
wherein Horus took the place of Osiris, will by the light of
this my magical memory seek to understand fully the formula of
Horus -- Ra Hoor Khuit -- my god, that ruleth the world under
Nuit and Hadit. Then as Ankh-f-na-khonsu left unto me the
"stele" 666 with the keys to that knowledge, so also may I write
down in hieroglyph the formula of the Lady of the Forked Wand
and of the Feather, that shall assume his throne and place when
the strength of Horus is exhausted.

So now the service of the Gods was to be secret and their
magic concealed from men. They were to fall before the eyes of
men from their place, and little sewer-rats were to come and
mock at them, no man avenging them, and they utterly careless,
not striking for themselves. Yet was there knowledge of them
which an initiate might gain, though so much more difficult,
immeasurably higher and more intimate.

My life from this moment became highly concentrated upon
itself. I had no time either for ascetic practices or for any
pleasures; nor would I take any active part in the service of
the temple which, purified and regenerated, had become both
subtly perfect and perfectly subtle.

It was not all of the people who did at all comprehend the
change that had occurred; but the others obeyed and made believe
to understand, lest their fellows should despise them. So it
happened that the more ignorant and stupid any person was the
more he feigned understanding; so that the least devout appeared
the most devout -- as it is unto this day.

But for me all these things were as nothing; for I studied
ever the nature of Osiris, concentrating myself into mysterious
pure symbols. I understood why it was said that Isis had failed
to discover the Phallus of Osiris, and thus perceived the
necessity of Horus to follow him in the great succession of the
Equinoxes. Moreover I fashioned talismans of pure light
concerning Osiris, and I performed in light all the ceremonies
of initiation into his mysteries.

These were interpreted by wise men and translated into the
language of the twilight and graven on stone and in the memories
of men.

Yet was I even more intrigued in that great struggle to apprehend
the course of things, as it is seen from the standpoint of Destiny.
So that I might leave true and intelligible images to enlighten
the mind of him (whether myself or another) that should come after
me to celebrate the Equinox of the Gods at the end of the period
of Osiris.

As now hath come to pass.

Thus then three-and-thirty years I lived in the temple of
Osiris a High Priest; and I subdued all men under me. Also I
abolished the office of priestess, for had not Isis failed to
find that venerable Phallus without which Osiris must be so
melancholy a god? <> Therefore was Khemi to fall, and the world to
be dark and sorrowful for many years.

Therefore I made mine High Priestess into a serving-maid, and
with veiled face she served me all those many years, never

Yet they being accomplished, I thought fit to reward her. So
magically I renewed about her the body of a young girl, and for
a year she served me, unveiled and speaking at her pleasure.

And her time being come, she died.

Then I looked again into my destiny, and perceived that all
my work was duly accomplished. Nor could any use or worth be
found in my body.

So therefore I determined to accept my great reward, that was
granted unto me as the faithful minister of the god F.I.A.T. that
is behind all manifestation of Will and of Intelligence, of whom
Isis and Osiris and Horus are but the ministers.

Of this, and of my death, I will speak on another occasion.

But first I will discourse of the inhabitants of the kingdom
that encircleth the world, so that they who "fear" may be


BUT of these matters I am warned that I shall not now become
aware, for that there be great mysteries therein contained,
pertaining to a degree of initiation of which I am as yet

(Thus the record comes abruptly to an end.)




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Posts: 604

"This theme is a frequent one with Machen. The hideous atavisms
described by Lovecraft in many of his tales evoke even more
potently the atmosphere of cosmic horror and 'evil' peculiar to
the influx of extra-terrestrial powers.

"Machen, Blackwood, Crowley, Lovecraft, Fortune, and others,
frequently used as a theme for their writings the influx of
extra-terrestrial powers which have been moulding the history of
our planet since time began; that is, since time began for us,
for we are only too prone to suppose that we were here first and
that we alone are here now, whereas the most ancient occult
traditions affirm that we were neither the first nor are we the
only ones to people the earth; the Great Old Ones and the Elder
Gods find echoes in the myths and legends of all peoples.

"Austin Spare claimed to have had direct experience of the
existence of extraterrestrial intelligences, and Crowley -- as
his autobiography makes abundantly clear -- devoted a lifetime
to proving that extra-terrestrial and superhuman consciousness
can and does exist independently of the human organism.

"...These magicians utilized human embodiments of power (shakti)
which appeared -- usually -- in feminine form. Each book that
Crowley produced had its corresponding shakti.

"...The Adepts of Ku worshipped a serpent goddess in the form of
a woman dedicated to the Cult. During an elaborate ritual she
would become possessed, with the result that she threw off, or
emanated, multiple forms of the goddess as sentient shadows
endowed with all the charms possessed by her human representative.
These shadow-women, impelled by some subtle law of attraction,
gravitated to one or other of the devotees who sat in a drowsy
condition around the entranced priestess. Sexual congress with
these shadows then occurred and it was the beginning of a sinister
form of dream-control involving journeys and encounters in
infernal regions.

"The Ku would seem to be a form of the Fire Snake exteriorized
astrally as a shadow-woman or succubus, congress with which
enabled the devotee to reify his 'inherent dream'. She was
known as the 'whore of hell' and her function was analogous to
that of the Scarlet Woman of Crowley's Cult, the Suvasini of the
Tantric Kaula Circle, and the Fiendess of the Cult of the Black
Snake. The Chinese Ku, or harlot of hell, is a shadowy embodiment
of subconscious desires concentrated in the alluringly sensuous
form of the Serpent or Shadow Goddess.

"...Sleep should be preceded by some form of Karezza during which
a specially chosen sigil symbolizing the desired object is vividly
visualized. In this manner the libido is baulked of its natural
fantasies and seeks satisfaction in the dream world. When the
knack is acquired the dream will be extremely intense and domin-
ated by a succube, or shadow-woman, with whom sexual intercourse
occurs spontaneously. If the dreamer has aquired even a moderate
degree of proficiency in this technique he will be aware of the
continued presence of the sigil. This he should bind upon the
form of the succube in a place that is within range of his vision
during copulation, e.g., as a pendant suspended from her neck; as
ear-drops; or as the diadem in a circlet about her brow. Its
locus should be determined by the magician with respect to the
position he adopts during coitus. The act will then assume all
the characteristics of a Ninth Degree Working, because the
presence of the Shadow-Woman will be experienced with a vivid
intensity of sensation and clarity of vision. The sigil thus
becomes sentient and in due course the object of the Working
materializes on the physical plane. This object is, of course,
determined by the desire embodied in and represented by the sigil.

"...Spare's 'sentient symbols' and 'alphabet of desire',
correlating as they do the marmas of the body with the specific
sex-principles, anticipated in several ways the work of Reich
who discovered -- between 1936 and 1939 -- the vehicle of psycho-
sexual energy, which he named the orgone. Reich's singular
contribution to psychology and, incidentally, to Western
occultism, lies in the fact that he successfully isolated the
libido and demonstrated its existence as a tangible, biological
energy. This energy, the actual substance of Freud's purely
hypothetical concepts -- libido and id -- was measured by Reich,
lifted out of the category of hypothesis, and reified.

-"Cults of the Shadow" by Kenneth Grant

- - - - -

"Realizing that life is maintained by the aid of a mysterious
universal life force which is the common property of all creatures,
the black magician [and his associated interstitial counterparts]
often becomes an occult vampire, stealing this energy from others."

-"The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manley P. Hall

- - - - -

"...he must employ to this end the formula called "The Beast
conjoined with the Woman" which establishes a new incarnation
of deity; as in the legends of Leda, Semele, Miriam, Pasiphae,
and others.

"...From the Abyss comes No Man forth, but a Star startles the
Earth, and our Order rejoices above that Abyss that the Beast
hath begotten one more Babe in the Womb of Our Lady, His
concubine, the Scarlet Woman, BABALON."

-"One Star in Sight" by Aleister Crowley

- - - - -

"The Cry of the 28th Aethyr, Which is Called BAG

"There cometh an Angel into the stone with opalescent shining
garments like a wheel of fire on every side of him, and in his
hand is a long flail of scarlet lightning; his face is black,
and his eyes white without any pupil or iris. The face is very
terrible indeed to look upon. Now in front of him is a wheel,
with many spokes, and many tyres; it is like a fence in front
of him.

"And he cries: O man, who art thou that wouldst penetrate the
Mystery? for it is hidden unto the End of Time.

"And I answer him: Time is not, save in the darkness of Her
womb by whom evil came.

"And now the wheel breaks away, and I see him as he is. His
garment is black beneath the opal veils, but it is lined with
white, and he has the shining belly of a fish, and enormous
wings of black and white feathers, and innumerable little legs
and claws like a centipede, and a long tail like a scorpion.
The breasts are human, but they are all scored with blood; and
he cries: O thou who hast broken down the veil, knowest thou
not that who cometh where I am must be scarred by many sorrows?

"And I answer him: Sorrow is not, save in the darkness of the womb
of Her by whom came evil."

-Liber 418: The Vision and the Voice ca. 1909 by O.T.O. Frater
Perdurabo (commentary by Aleister Crowley)]

- - - - -

"This book contains the record of a magical experiment relating to
the invocation of an elemental, the thereafter of the Goddess or
Force called BABALON, and the results thereof.


1. Yea, it is I, BABALON.

2. And this is my book, that is the fourth chapter of the Book of
the Law, He completing the Name, for I am out of NUIT by HORUS,
the incestuous sister of RA-HOOR-KHUIT.

3. It is BABALON. TIME IS. Ye fools.

4. Thou hast called me, oh accursed and beloved fool.

9. Now know that I, BABALON, would take flesh and come among men.

10. I will come as a penelous (sic) flame, as a devious song, a
trumpet in judgement halls, a banner before armies.

11. And gather my children unto me, for THE TIME is at hand.

12. And this is the way of my incarnation. Heed!

13. Thou shalt offer all thou art and all thou hast at my altar,
witholding nothing. And thou shalt be smitten full sore and
thereafter thou shalt be outcast and accursed, a lonely
wanderer in abominable places.

37. For I am BABALON, and she my daughter, unique, and there shall
be no other women like her.

38. In My Name shall she have all power, and all men and excellent
things, and kings and captains and the secret ones at her

48. Now is the hour of birth at hand. Now shall my adept be
crucified in the Basilisk abode.

49. Thy tears, thy sweat, thy blood, thy semen, thy love, thy
faith shall provide. Ah, I shall drain thee like the cup
that is of me, BABALON.

50. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the first veil to speak
with thee, through the stars shake.

51. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the second veil, while God
and Jesus be smitten with the sword of HORUS.

52. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the third veil, and the
shapes of hell shall be turned again to loveliness.

53. For thy sake shall I stride through the flames of Hell,
though my tongue be bitten through.

54. Let me behold thee naked and lusting after me, calling upon
my name.

55. Let me receive all thy manhood within my Cup, climax upon
climax, joy upon joy.

56. Yea, we shall conquer death and Hell together.

57. And the earth is mine."

-"The Book of Babalon" (ca. 1946) by Jet Propulsion Laboratory's
Jack Parsons and Dianetics & Scientology's L. Ron Hubbard

- - - - -

"So [the angel] carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness
and I saw a woman sit upon ta scarlet-colored beast, full of names
of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was
arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and
precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full
of abominations and filthiness of her fornication; And upon her
forehead was a name written, 'MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of
the martyrs of Jesus; and when I saw her, I wondered with great

-Revelation 17:3-6 (ca. A.D. 95)



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Posts: 604

From: "Blue Resonant Human"
Originally to:
Original Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 11:08:29 GMT

-> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List

Brother Jacques at Crowleymas

As told by Frater Robert Anton Wilson; Holy Discordian, OTO
Initiate and CAW Water Brother in his Outstanding Masterpiece of
Speculative Illumination "Cosmic Trigger." Recalling Crowleymas
(October 12) 1974, Brother Wilson hath eloquently stated:

...And then Jacques Vallee arrived.

I had wanted to talk to Doctor Vallee for several months now and
I immediately kidnapped him into a room which the other party-
goers were not informed about. On the way, we spotted Hymenaeus
Alpha (Grady McMurty), Caliph of the Ordo Templi Orientis, and
his wife, Phylis.

The Skeptic had heard Jacques Vallee talk at a conference on
Science and Spirit, sponsored by the Theosophical Society,
earlier in the year. He had taken a new approach to the UFO
mystery and was systematically feeding all the reports of
extraterrestrial contacts into a giant computer. The computer
was programmed to look for various possible repeated patterns.
Jacques said that the evidence emerging suggested to him that
the UFOs weren't extraterrestrial at all, but that they seemed
to be intelligent systems intent on convincing us they were
extraterrestrial. [Indeed, even as our Dear Brother Terence
McKenna hath said, "We are part of a symbiotic relationship
with something which *disguises* itself as an extraterrestrial
invasion so as not to alarm us." -B:.B:.]

Now the Skeptic started pumping Jacques about his evidence that
they weren't extraterrestrial. He started to explain that,
analyzing the reports chronologically, it appeared that They
(whoever or whatever they are) always strive to give the
impression that they are something the society they are visiting
can understand. In medieval sightings, he said, they called
themselves angels; in the great 1902 flap in several states, one
of the craft spoke to a West Virginia farmer and said they were
an airship invented and flown from Kansas; in 1940s-1950s
sightings, they often said they were from Venus; since Venus has
been examined and seems incapable of supporting life, they now
say they are from another star-system in this galaxy.

"Where do you think they come from?" I asked.

Doctor Vallee gave the Gallic form of the classic scientific Not-
Speculating-Beyond-The-Data head-shake. "I can theorize, and
theorize, endlessly," he said, "but is it not better to just
study the data more deeply and look for clues?"

"You must have some personal hunch," I insisted.

He gave in gracefully. "They relate to space-time in ways for
which we have, at present, no concepts," he said. "They cannot
explain to us because we are not ready to understand."

I asked Grady McMurty if Aleister Crowley had ever said anything
to him implying the extraterrestrial theory which Kenneth Grant,
Outer Head of another Ordo Templi Orientis, implies in his
accounts of Crowley's contacts with Higher Intelligences.

"Some of the things Aleister said to me," Grady replied
carefully, "could be interpreted as hints pointing that way."
He went on to quote Crowley's aphorisms about various of the
standard entities contacted by Magick. The Abramelin spirits,
for instance, need to be watched carefully. "They bite,"
Aleister explained in his best deadpan am-I-kidding-or-not?
style. The Enochian "angels," on the other hand, don't always
have to be summoned. "When you're ready, they come for you,"
Aleister said flatly.

(The Enochian entities were first contacted by Dr. John Dee in
the early 17th Century. Dr. Dee, court astrologer to Queen
Elizabeth and also an important mathematician, has been
controversial from his own time to ours, some writers regarding
him as a genius of the first rank and others as a clever lunatic.
According to two interesting books, "The World Stage" and "The
Rosicrucian Enlightenment," both by a most scrupulous historian,
Dr. Francis Yates, Dee was almost certainly a prime mover in
the "Illuminati" and "Rosicrucian Brotherhoods" of that time,
which played a central role in the birth of modem science. The
alleged UFOnaut from Uranus which communicated with the two
Naval Intelligence officers gave a name, AFFA, which is a word
in the "angelic" language used by the entities Dee contacted.
It means Nothing. George Hunt Williamson also got some words in
"angelic" from his Space Brothers, remember.)

"The outstanding quality of UFO contactees," Jacques Vallee said
at this point, "was incoherence. I now have grave reservations
about all physical details they supply," he said.

"They are like people after an auto accident. All they know is
that something very serious has happened to them." Only the
fact that so many cases involve other witnesses, who see
something in the sky before the "contactee" has his/her strange
experience, justifies the assumption that what happens is more
than "subjective."

"Largely," Doctor Vallee summarized, "they come out of it with
a new perspective on humanity. A religious perspective, in
general terms. But all the details are contradictory and
confusing." He regarded green men, purple giant men, physical
craft with windows in them, etc., as falling into the category
psychologists call "substitute memory," always provided by the
ingenious brain when the actual experience is too shocking to be

I asked how many in the room had experienced the contact of what
appeared to be Higher Intelligence. Grady and Phylis McMurty
put up their hands, as did two young magicians from the Los
Angeles area, and myself. Jacques Vallee, curiously, looked as
if he might raise his hand, but then evidently changed his mind
and did not. I said I inclined to believe the Higher Intelligences
were extraterrestrial, and asked what the others thought.

Grady McMurty-Caliph of the Ordo Templi Orientis said, in effect,
that the theory of higher dimensions made more sense to him than
the extraterrestrial theory in terms of actual space ships entering
our biosphere.

The two Los Angeles magicians agreed.

Tom, who had been a witch for five years and hadn't raised his
hand when asked for contactee testimony, said that the Higher
Intelligences are imbedded in our language and numbers, as the
Cabalists think, and have no other kind of existence. He added
that every time he tried to explain this he saw that people
thought he was going schizophrenic and he began to fear that
they might be right, so he preferred not to talk about it at all.
Tom-who is a computer programmer by profession, a witch only
by religion-later added a bit to this, saying that all that
exists is information and coding; we only imagine we have bodies
and live in space-time dimensions.

Doctor Vallee listened to all this with a bland smile, and did
not seem to regard any of us as mad.

(A few days later, in discussion with the former Vacaville
prison psychologist, Dr. Wesley Hiler, I asked him what he
really thought of Dr. Leary's extraterrestrial contacts.
Specifically, since he didn't regard Leary as crazy or
hallucinating, what was happening when Leary thought he was
receiving extraterrestrial communications? "Every man and woman
who reaches the higher levels of spiritual and intellectual
development," Dr. Hiler said calmly, "feels the presence of a
Higher Intelligence. Our theories are all unproven. Socrates
called it his daemon. Others call it gods or angels. Leary
calls it extraterrestrial. Maybe it's just another part of our
brain, a part we usually don't use. Who knows?")

Since everybody in the room at this point had either had the
required experience, or was willing to speculate about it and
study it objectively rather than merely banishing it with the
label "hallucination," I went into my rap about the parallels
between Leary and Wilhelm Reich. "The attempt to destroy both
Dr. Reich and Dr. Leary reached its most intense peak right
after they reported their extraterrestrial contacts," I said.
"I keep having very weird theories about what that means..."

Grady McMurty nodded vigorously. "That's the $64,000 question,"
he said emphatically. "For years I've been asking Phylis and
everybody else I know: why does the gnosis always get busted?
Every single time the energy is raised and large-scale group
illuminations are occurring, the local branch of the Inquisition
kills it dead. Why, why, why?"

Nobody had any very conclusive ideas.

"I'll tell you what I think," Grady said. "There's war in
Heaven. The Higher Intelligences, whoever they are, aren't all
playing on the same team. Some of them are trying to encourage
our evolution to higher levels, and some of them want to keep us
stuck just where we are."

According to Grady, some occult lodges are working with those
nonhuman intelligences who want to accelerate human evolution,
but some of the others are working with the intelligences who
wish to keep us near an animal level of awareness.

This is a standard idea in occult circles and it can safely be
stated, without exaggeration, that every "school" or "lodge of
adepts that exists is regarded, by some of the others, as
belonging to the Black Brotherhood of the evil path. Grady's
own Ordo Templi Orientis, indeed, has been accused of this more
often than have most other occult lodges. I have personally
maintained my good cheer and staved off paranoia, while moving
among various occult groups as student or participant, by always
adhering rigidly to the standard Anglo-Saxon legal maxim that
every accused person must be regarded as innocent until proven
guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This obviously spares me a
lot of worry, but the more guarded approach is very well argued
by Isaac Bonewitz, the author of Real Magick. "Paranoid
magicians outlive the others," Isaac says.

Somehow the conversation drifted away from Grady's concept of
"war in Heaven." Several times, Grady tried to steer us back
there, but each time we wandered on to a different subject. Tom
said later that he felt a presence in the room deliberately
pushing us away from that topic...

Dr. H. -- the psychiatrist whose bad acid-trip had started the
Crowleymas party off so jumpily for me -- dropped by the next
day, to thank me for "talking him down" from his anxiety attack.

He also, it soon appeared, wanted to tell me about his
accelerating experiences with magick. It had started over two
years earlier, after an intensive seminar at Esalen. Dr. H.
suddenly found that he could see "auras." (The aura of the
human body, known to shamans and witches since time immemorial,
has been repeatedly rediscovered by scientists, most of whom
were thereupon denounced as "cranks." Franz Anton Mesmer called
it "animal magnetism," in the 16th century. In the 19th, Baron
Reichenbach called it "OD." In the 1920s, Gurvich named it "the
mytogenic ray." Wilhelm Reich rediscovered it in the 1930s,
called it "orgone energy," and was destroyed by AMA bigots who
charged that he was hallucinating it. Kirlian photography has
now demonstrated beyond all doubt that this aura exists.) Dr. H.
soon found, further, that he could use the aura as a diagnostic
tool in analyzing new patients. This experience, Leary's books,
and a lecture by me on Crowley's magick, led him to further

On a beach in Sonoma County, after taking LSD the day before and
programming an opening of the self to higher beings or energies,
Dr. H. (no longer under the direct influence of the drug) had
an experience with Something from the sky. "It wasn't exactly a
Higher Intelligence," he said carefully, "or, at least, I didn't
receive that aspect of it, if it was Higher Intelligence. To me,
it was just energy. Terrible energy. My chest was sore for
hours afterward. I thought it would kill me, but I was absolutely
ecstatic and egoless at the peak of it. If the chest-pain weren't
so intense, it would have been a totally positive experience."

(MacGregor Mathers, Outer Head of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, and the first occult teacher of such worthies as
Aleister Crowley, poet William Butler Yeats and novelist Arthur
Machen, once recorded a meeting with the Secret Chiefs. These
ambiguous entities, known in several schools of occult training,
are variously believed to be discarnate spirits of the great
Magi of the past, living Magi who can teleport themselves about
as easily as you or I telephone a friend, "angels" in the
traditional sense, or merely "beings we cannot understand."
In any case, Mathers noted that the meeting, although pleasant,
left him feeling as if he'd been "struck by lightning" and he
also suffered chest pains and extreme difficulty in breathing.
Dr. Israel Regardie has also noted that Alan Bennett [probably
no relation to Diane "Andrea Chen" Bennett -B:.B:.], who was
Crowley's chief teacher for many years, developed asthma, a chest
disease. Crowley developed asthma himself as his contacts with
the Secret Chiefs occurred more often; and Regardie finally
"caught" asthma for several years after studying with Crowley,
a condition which was only cured when he went through the
bioenergetic therapy of Wilhelm Reich.)

Khabs am Pekht, etc.;

-Frater Caeruleus, B:.B:.



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Posts: 604

From: "Blue Resonant Human" <>
Originally to:
Original Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 16:15:43 GMT


- - - -


In 1918, Crowley began a sexual magick operation with a lady
in New York by the name of Roddie Minor. It was known as the
Amalantrah Working and was done just a few months before he
spent the summer at Montauk Point. One of the main features
in this working was the symbolism of the egg. They were told,
"it's all in the egg". This corresponds exactly to the sacred
geometry precepts given earlier in this book. The egg is the
first sphere of existence and all the potential that unfolds
thereafter. The entity contacted was LAM and an artistic
rendering of him by Crowley looks hauntingly familiar to the
gray aliens we have all heard so much about. LAM's bulbous
head has the shape of an egg. [see the LAM statement also
included in this series. -d4]

Cameron has said that the operation changed Jack and Ron Hubbard
forever. They were never quite the same. After recovering from
a paralysis on his right side (as a result of the working),
Hubbard eventually accessed incredible genius and a considerable
amount of energy. Most of this was channeled into the Dianetics
and Scientology movement. He had people doing regressions on
alien implants forty years before it became vogue.

...whatever the case is with Crowley, it is undeniable that he
deeply influenced another magician who has been inextricably
linked to aliens, the CIA and Montauk. That man is Jack Parsons
and his grand experiment was in 1946.

Jack Parsons was described in Montauk Revisited as having
conducted a sexual magick experiment that has been hailed by
some as the magical experiment of the century. This activity
was done in conjunction with two magicians who were part of the
Wilson Clan: Marjorie Cameron and L. Ron Hubbard. The
experiment was called the Babalon Working and was designed to
invoke the Mother Goddess in her crowning glory: she who is
called Babalon.

As Crowley and Parsons were both members of the Illuminati, we
have to take a look at what the organization is and what it
actually represents. From what has been said already, we know
that it is related to Sirius. There are also countless books
and conspiracy theories on the subjects According to the
dictionary, the Illuminati refers to those of a secret society
who profess to have special intellectual or spiritual

Aleister Crowley's goal was to set occult forces in motion that
would result in the illumination of all by the end of this
century. Jack Parsons followed in the same tradition but the
circumstances of his death at a young age leave a different

- - - -

According to tradition, the Sirians who originally settled in
Sumeria had cat or lion like bodies. How many hybrids and just
plain humans were absorbed into the ancient culture is not
exactly known. What is known is that at some time they settled
into the area of Cairo and called it Babalon or Babylon which
meant Baby Lyon. This city was designated as one of the Sacred
Places of the Lion and it was decided that a large repository of
knowledge should be constructed nearby so as to preserve their
collective wisdom. This construction project turned out to be
what we know today as the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. The
Great Pyramid and its satellite pyramids were designed to serve
as ancient time clocks that were in synchronization with the
entire cyclic nature of the universe. The Sphinx represented
the goddess in the form of Bast who was also known as Babalon
and eventually Isis. To reiterate what was said earlier, the
names Isis and Osiris were derived from Sirius.

In the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, the Sirians illustrated the two
key principles of their religion. The two aspects were
connected by sacred knowledge which could be found in the Hall
of Records.

Aleister Crowley was schooled in all of this information. When
he slept in the Great Pyramid prior to receiving The Book of the
Law, he was seeking initiation with no strings attached.
Projecting himself beyond his own understanding, he had a
profound experience. He connected with forms of consciousness
that were not only far beyond the norm, they knew the precise
mathematics of the universe and this never ceased to amaze him.
The resultant effect was that he spent the rest of his life
trying to explain what had happened.

Earlier, we spoke of Tetragrammaton, the magical or alchemical
formula that accompanied the "first tetrahedron" of existence.
The first element in alchemy or the tarot is fire and is
assigned to the first point of the tetrahedron of Tetragrammaton.
As fire itself forms a wave, the actual pattern of that wave
is reproduced to illustrate the vortex shape that resides in the
tetrahedron of Stan Tenon's work. This is identical to the ram'
s horn and is also the basis of the Hebrew fire letters whereby
all the letters of the alphabet could be perceived by rotating
the shape within the tetrahedron. With this much symbolism
encoded in one particular shape, it is easy to grasp that an
energy stream of consciousness is emitted from within the
geometric matrix that contains a tetrahedron or a pyramid. It
is actually a conical spiral of energy which conforms to a
precise mathematical formula known as the Fibonacci spiral.
That this cone of energy can influx a mind with extra
intelligence was illustrated in history by placing a dunce cap

Continues in the next message -->

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