But as much as the Montauk Mythos seems naught — to many observers — but a pile of happy horse****, it continues to attract serious researchers and spiritual searchers into its endless stream of mysteries. As Montaukian Investigator/Experiencer Chica Bruce related to me: "What I've come away with is that everything is true and that nothing is true… Any story (not just about Montauk - EVERY story) is ultimately irrelevant and useless to me outside of what it can teach me about Creation and the empowerment of humans via insights about how reality works. To this end, the study of the wacky world of Montauk has been extremely useful…
“It is cosmically humorous to me that a story so full of seemingly deranged allegations does contain many valuable, penetrating truths about consciousness and the nature of reality. The Montauk mythos is repugnant to current consensus world-views and it puts off mentalities that are fundamentally invested in conforming with the hegemony.
Those who feel a need to bash the Montauk story are failing to understand what it is really about and are revealing their unflagging allegiance to certain stodgy mind patterns and core beliefs…”
A reoccurring claim of Montauk experiencers is that advanced mind control experimentation has been perpetrated not only upon themselves, but also the local townspeople of Long Island, New Jersey, upstate New York and Connecticut, beamed from the infamous transmitter tower at Montauk. This is what is more commonly known as the art and science of psychotronics, and specifically — as regards the Montauk Project — the transmission of UHF/microwave energy through the atmosphere, ostensibly bombarding the beleaguered brains of unwitting subjects, not to mention various and sundry indigenous animals — domestic and wild — that have been reported going berserk upon occasion and running amok through the town of Montauk.
One of the Montauk Project psychotronic subjects in question was none other than super-psychic Duncan Cameron. By using psychotronics in concert with Duncan's surreal psychic abilities, Montauk scientists were somehow able to intensify his powers vis-à-vis the creation of alternate reality vortexes, if you follow my drift. (Yes, this all gets quite convoluted, and takes an enormous suspension of belief if we are to take seriously even a small portion of the mighty Montauk mythos...) This psychotronic experimentation consisted of operating the Montauk transmitter at different pulse widths, different pulse rates, and varying frequencies. The ultimate goal behind all of these fantastic fiddlings was to see how brain waves could be changed and entrained, whether it be controlling a super psychic like Duncan Cameron to create the aforementioned alternate reality vortexes used as time travel portals, or the ability to generate transmissions that could change people's moods, and cause agitation. What we're describing here could be classified as non-lethal weaponry, though I've heard disturbing reports from my colleagues in the mind control research community that microwave transmissions of a certain frequency could potentially boil someone's brain into oblivion, which certainly qualifies as something quite "lethal", as opposed to "non."
The ultimate goal of all this bad craziness is total control of the human species, which apparently is what the Montauk Project was all about. Other uses for these microwave-boosted transmissions include the ability to focus on a car and stop all electrical functioning. This, of course, is the same effect commonly reported in UFO sightings and attributed to alien craft. Once again this illustrates how high tech black ops can be used to replicate a so-called alien encounter. As Dr. Michael Persinger has demonstrated, certain frequencies approximate the alien abduction phenomenon in the brains of human beings. So perhaps the entire Montauk Project is exactly that: an MK-ULTRA mind**** designed to mess with the mass mind of humanity to see how far it can push the general populace towards complete and utter lunacy. It has also been suggested that certain forms of electromagnetic waves can affect weather patterns from great distances. This could explain the strange summer snows that have visited the town of Montauk in past years.
One of the most visible critics exposing the use of covert technologies of this type is Col. Tom Beardon. A former military intelligence officer, Beardon at one time published Specula, a magazine devoted to "psychotronics" and "bio-energetics." In the mid 80's, Bill Jenkins hosted a radio program on A.M. KFI in Los Angeles, which — on a weekly basis — dealt with subjects of the paranormal. The first time I tuned into Jenkin's show his guest was none other than Col. Beardon, who spoke of a mysterious "woodpecker" signal, which during that era had become quite the hot topic among ham operators around the world. The so-called "woodpecker" signal could be replicated by tapping a pencil on a table between eight and fourteen times each second. Beardon claimed this signal emanated from the Soviet Union which had been traced to an alleged "Tesla Generator" in the cities of Riga and Gomel, and that the "woodpecker" signal was responsible for weather modification wars covertly waged upon an unsuspecting United States citizenry by the wily and unscrupulous Russians. These manipulations of U.S. weather patterns created a drought in the western states, which in turn caused severe effects on farming and the economy in 1976, the same year the infamous "woodpecker" signal was first discovered.
It has been suggested that weather modification and mind control is the driving force behind the mysterious Project HAARP, which likewise is said to have originated from the brilliant mind of Nikola Tesla. This also falls in line with certain Montaukian mythologies, as The Montauk Project has been allegedly involved — to a certain extent — in weather modification using technology similar to both the HAARP Project, as well as Wilhelm Reich's "Cloudbuster." Tesla, so states the Montauk crowd, was the main man behind the first phase of The Philadelphia Project, but later bowed out of the experiment when he witnessed its deleterious side effects, and the direction the overall project was heading. Tesla also claimed contact with aliens, and that they were responsible for passing on certain knowledge that helped with his inventions, much in the same fashion as Montauk scientists supposedly received guidance form extraterrestrials concerning "The Chair."