Thanks Omega I will check with comp and see what is up.
As for what I posted..... sorry if it came over to strong....if you ever check out the Western and Northern Traditions of Magic you will understand what I am for the curse it is my own trail I picked up on some years ago.....if I have any luck tracking it down I will let you know....I have no problems with magic, just some with the systems and how others use them....I may be wrong but I do not think that Herne will post again.. he came, he saw, he spoke....their is nothing for him here.... I created my own space so I could have my own freedom of speech without having to always protect myself.....I gave some people over 10yrs of my life....they never noticed...I looked for them everyday I kept a promise.....for all there Love and Light I could not ever get a personal hello(Herne did not even take the extra personal time to talk just to me when he posted)...most times never a reply.....never a birthday greeting....or seasons greeting...just scrutiny of my choice of posting topics....I waisted my love, my time and my hope and maybe tomorrows are all used up....I gave it one last shot the otherday....I broke my own word that I would not ever entre their private space...but a person I knew well posted looking for someone....I waited to see how they would be welcomed and I posted info for brought Herne here....the person I left the info for was not interested in me....again my mistake for reaching out.....I won't make the mistake again....I know better than they do....I know that people that are friends or even caring act a different way towards each other than they do towards themselves and others....because I have experienced it many times away from was never me or my's just who they are....and I placed my heart and hope in the wrong place....
Came Across some info Druids from the All Ages, they are Sun Worshipers as well.
The secret teachings of the Druids are said by some to be tinctured with Pythagorean philosophy. The Druids had a Madonna, or Virgin Mother, with a Child in her arms, who was sacred to their Mysteries; and their Sun God was resurrected at the time of the year corresponding to that at which modern Christians celebrate Easter. Both the cross and the serpent were sacred to the Druids, who made the former by cutting off all the branches of an oak tree and fastening one of them to the main trunk in the form of the letter T. This oaken cross became symbolic of their superior Deity. They also worshiped the sun, moon, and stars. Theഊmoon received their special veneration. Caesar stated that Mercury was one of the chief deities of the Gauls. The Druids are believed to have worshiped Mercury under the similitude of a stone cube. They also had great veneration for the Nature spirits (fairies, gnomes, and undines), little creatures of the forests and rivers to whom many offerings were made.
"Their temples wherein the sacred fire was preserved were generally situate on eminences and in dense groves of oak, and assumed various forms--circular, because a circle was the emblem of the universe; oval, in allusion to the mundane egg, from which issued, according to the traditions of many nations, the universe, or, according to others, our first parents; serpentine, because a serpent was the symbol of Hu, the Druidic Osiris; cruciform, because a cross is an emblem of regeneration; or winged, to represent the motion of the Divine Spirit. * * * Their chief deities were reducible to two--a male and a female, the great father and mother--Hu and Ceridwen, distinguished by the same characteristics as belong to Osiris and Isis, Bacchus and Ceres, or any other supreme god and goddess representing the two principles of all Being."
Lol Omega....thanks for being away....I like learning about it all....Draconic Druids are also Sumerian/Egyptian Pharonic Dynasty/Merovee....
Maybe I should have offered you this info before....If you can read the book called Gods Of talks about Enki and were right about how Enki was the good guy and branded as Satan....You are right about everything still being controlled by Magic...I researched it out can post here in peace....I will make sure you have a safe haven...If I loose the board I will start another....I have a few archives...
The Brotherhood was formed to teach Man spiritual truth (the forbidden knowledge). Prince Ea was the individual who founded the organization. As biblical, ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian texts say, Ea and his Brotherhood were quickly defeated by members of God. They taught lies that Ea was evil and should be destroyed. They pinned evil names to his character such as, Prince of Darkness and Evil Incarnate.
"God's" behavior in Genesis is a dead give-a-way. "God" was clearly not Christ's Father because Christ's Father would not lie and deceive to prevent knowledge from being known to the human race.
Ea was later known as the Serpent in Genesis. You see him in the bible trying to teach the forbidden knowledge to man while Satanic forces took on the image of God and taught that it was sin to learn that knowledge. Comparing the behavior of God in Eden to the way those who run modern day government (Elite Masons) behave will reveal that they are one and the same. They also are responsible for the structure of the societal system. You know, the one that has made you so DEPENDANT.
Ancient Mesopotamian tablets credit Ea with the supervising of the genetic manufacture of Homo sapiens. Ea was the son of Anu, who was the ruler of another world. Prince Ea was known by the title, "EN.KI," which means "Lord [or Prince] of Earth."
Mesopotamian texts portray Prince Ea as an advocate who spoke before the council of the gods on behalf of the new earth race. Ea opposed many of the cruelties that other "gods," including his half brother, Enlil, inflicted upon human beings.
Enki's Brotherhood suvives in the Templars Enlil's Brotherhood survives in Freemasonry
It's not about Satan, it's a family feud Using magic and curses as stratagy They are Princes Of The Universe There is also a war ongoing in space The world is not very old or very big. But they both want it and the Galaxy Think of the Galaxy as a ship floating through a unchartered Universe What I prize for a Alexander The Great Humanity did not originate on Earth It was discovered and brought here It was altered and used and is still abused Because of lies and mistakes made in the past Find the lies and mistakes and break the curse Survive the future by using there own weapons Unfortunately true Elven Magic is not known outside the family. But even a small dent in the armour is a step to change the tides It is the Times
Lol Omega I only follow it....I see what they do.... that's is in plain sight if you have eyes to see.
While you are researching the History Of Magic Omega would you like me to start a thread on Magic I have lots of links....I don't want to overload you or confuse your train of thought.....
I learned that you can get to a point that you don't need candle and book you can use written words to raise a vibration of emotion that can raise an ocean or fell a glen from the flow of lava being raise up again. It all comes back the bloodlines the earths blood is lava. Cain and Lillith From Earth to Earth Dust to Dust. Christ said he was within and without Tap him tap the earth.
Mary=bitterness=tears=water=ocean Mariah=Wind Mix it up, stroke mothers back. Note to self she feels the pins. Hoo do Voo do.
We are stardust we are golden and we have to get back to the garden
maybe they are looking for DNA matching
I am not looking for the magic workings right at the moment Mariah, I want to try and understand what the ancients were saying and reading the meanings of all their symbols first. I am still looking into the Eygpt/ Mason links, your explaination on the brotherhoods helped. It is sort of funny for me to read the word Satan. I see him so different now. But he is still an *******.