have some notes I have been collecting on the Bible Curses. Interesting is how they connect with the Merovingians.
Many scholars today interpret the Bibical Cain "curse" as Cain's inability to cultivate crops and the necessity that he lead a nomadic lifestyle a wasteland.
Marriage of the Elements – The foundation ritual of the Grail Priesthood, which holds the secret and mystery of the Holy Grail, and may reveal She who is the Sacred Princess and She will, by Her Chosen Response to the High Priest, remove the Curse on the Grail Family and restore the Wasteland.
Chosen Response – The gift of love returned to God by Yse when He created Her. This is the same Chosen Response which the Princess must give the Fisher King, if she is to break the curse on the Grail Family.
Suggested Merovingian was Joseph the Younger now tired and worn by the Matrix and cynical about the Holy Grail- he was also cursed by his father, never to be able to procreate until he meets the True Grail Princess- as we can see the Mero has some strange sexual habits or sexual substitutes i.e. the Orgasm Cake.
Enki/Neptune/Posiedon/Onanne/Merovee - tried to save the world from Enil/YHWH/Satan and the Flood-Enki warned Noah through the wall.
Enki was the Gentic Scientist who made Adam and Eve - Enil did not want humans to have knowledge - Enki gave Eve knowledge that she was the Tree Of Life. Enki was mankinds first Savior - The Serpent/Dragon race.
Corrupted Bible called him Enki Satan
Cain/Prometheus/Jesus was Enki’s son
Able was Enil's son
Cain Killed Able and was cursed by Enlil/Satan/YHWH God of the Bible
Cain/Prometheus/Jesus was marked by Enki with the Royal Cross to protect him and his royal line
Cain/Samuel Twin Sister was Lillith/Aphrodite/Magdalene
The Merovee royal line...................
In The Koran there is a tradition which states that there will be two messiahs at the End Times, the “Messiah ben David”, and his arch-rival, the “Messiah ben Joseph.” Since the appearance of both messiahs is necessary in order for the return of the Kingdom of God to ensue, those who bring about the rise of the “Anti-Christ” figure are actually playing a vital role in God‘s plan.
Mary Magdalene, is revered as an incarnation of the heavenly twin soul of Yeshu (Jesus). As the role with Yeshu in their joint Messianic Office of Savior and Savioress . Bridal Christians see a balance in all things. Because of this sense of balance, we find it easy to comprehend the concept of a Heavenly Mother as well as Father, and a Female Messiah figure as well as a male. This outlook lends itself to full appreciation and respect for females, and their acceptance into roles of authority and Priest(ess)hood. The archetype of all female perfection is summed up in the figure of Mary Magdalene whom Yeshu (Jesus) called the "woman who knows all".
According to a Masonic source, The Hiram Key, there was a prophecy given by a Teacher of Righteousness to the Gnostic Essene Community of Qumran, which was associated with the Society of Ormus, that two messianic figures of the end time would have the following titles: "...The man who would lead them at the 'End of the Age', the Davidic Messiah, had such titles as 'Mighty Man', 'Man of Glory', 'Prince of Light'... God, however, will save his people by the hands of two messianic figures who arise at the end of time; one from 'Branch of David', and the other 'The Interpreter of the Law'
Enlarging upon the Iona prophecy as related by William Sharp (Fiona Macleod) in his essay on Iona, this author relates: "When I think of Iona I think often, too, of a prophecy once connected with Iona....the old prophecy that Christ shall come again upon Iona, and of that later and obscure prophecy which foretells, now as the Bride of Christ, now as the Daughter of God, now as the Divine Spirit embodied through mortal birth in a Woman, as once through mortal birth in a man, the coming of a new Presence and Power: and dream that this may be upon Iona, so that the little Gaelic island may become as the little Syrian Bethlehem....the Shepherdess shall call us home. A young Hebridean priest once told me how, 'as our forefathers and elders believed and still believe, that Holy Spirit shall come again which once was mortally born among us as the Son of God, but, then, shall be the Daughter of God. The Divine Spirit shall come again as a Woman. Then for the first time the world will know peace'." Interestingly, in the Hebridean mythos Christ is called "the Shepherd of the flocks", while St. Bride is referred to as "the Shepherdess of the flocks". (vide Carmina Gadelica). A similar relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene is implied in the early Christian gnostic texts.
William Sharp continues: "Nor must I forget that my old nurse, Barabal, used to sing a strange oran, to the effect that when St. Bride came again to Iona it would be to bind the hair and to wash the feet of the Bride of Christ....Legend itself is more ancient here than elsewhere. Once a woman was worshipped. Some say she was the moon, but this was before the dim day of the moon-worshippers. (In Gaelic too, as with all the Celtic people, it is not the moon but the sun that is feminine.) She may have been an ancestral Brighde, or that mysterious Anait [ancient Mother Goddess of the East] whose Scythian name survives elsewhere in the Gaelic west, and nothing else of all her ancient glory but that shadowy word."
Commenting on St. Bride, Eleanor Merry refers to: "Bride, who is the soul of the ancient Mysteries - She is the Virgin-Sophia, the Virgin of Light whom the Bards once met among the stars. Companion of Christ, she came down to Earth with Him...." (The Flaming Door, 1962). Moreover, Alice O. Howell in The Dove in the Stone (1988) says: "There in the Gaelic tongue the prayers and songs rose and fell, with a Christian overlay, to the unflagging devotion to Sophia, first called Brith (or Brid), then St. Brigid, the Mary of the Gael....What Sophia offers is a view of the earth beyond the ego's arrogance, an empirical experience, at long last, of the Holy all about us. It is akin to what a dedicated gardener may sense. It sheds light on Mary Magdalen, who, of all the women around Jesus, was first to see the risen Christ, thinking he was 'the gardener' in the garden....The presence of the feminine is essential to the masculine for spiritual rebirth, and vice versa. Even the alchemist required a soror mystica, a mystical sister, to perform the opus."
The Feminine Christ shall be the one who brings forth the Grail to the Aquarian Age. She shall have undergone the Heart initiation thus setting free the souls of her ancestors....In her, duality shall have been reconciled....She shall have been sanctified by the Blood of Christ. She shall therefore be an Initiate of the mystical Bloodline of Christ. And she shall carry the true mystical teaching of the feminine god to the Aquarian Age....just as Joseph brought the Piscean Grail to Britain, which symbolised the awakening conscience, this woman is destined to bring forth the Aquarian Grail, which shall guide humanity in the collective awakening of the heart. Only the awakened heart shall avert the apocalypse." (The Coming of the Feminine Christ, 1998, Canada).
Jabel, Jubel and Tubel, direct descendants of Cain, who slew Able. Cain was the first born child of man on earth and the first murderer on earth. Because of this, God banished Cain to the land of Nod ( nomads ) and put a "mark" on him so that no one should harm him. He was the Ist of "first-borns" rejected by God. In Gen: 4:20-24, we are told that his descendants , Jabel , Jubel and Tubelcain were tent dwellers ( nomads ), herdsmen, players of lyres and pipes, and forgers of instruments in brass and iron . i.e. Smith Craft
Early Israel placed a ban on smithcraft (1 Sam:13:19) and early smiths were accused of having "the evil eye", often having an eye gouged out. This explains why King David, on entering Jerusalem, said, "The lame and the blind shall be the personal enemies of David " ( 2 Sam: 5:8 ) The lame and the blind were smiths.
Further clues come from the Bible itself, wherein we find two curses, one of which God honored, and one of which God Himself pronounced
First, Noah cursed Ham when Ham looked at his father's naked body and tried to get his brothers to do likewise. Learning this, Noah pronounced a curse on Ham, "Cursed be Canaan , the lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers"( Gen: 9:25)
Canaan was Ham's son who founded the land of Canaan. Honoring Noah's curse, God took the land from the Canaanites and gave it to the Hebrews of the Exodus. So, the Canaanites became a dispossessed people. Furthermore, God told the Israelites to kill the Canaanites because they were worshipping false gods (chief among them Baal, the rites of which are orgiastic in nature.)
The Israelites were unsuccessful in their attempt to fully annihilate the Canaanites. Thus, when David became King of Israel , "he ordered all the aliens in the land of Israel be brought together and he appointed them stone cutters.
The next curse came from God Himself . He cursed forever the Amalekites who lived in the triangular Sinai and in the triangular Negev of Ancient Palestine (first known as Canaan of the cursed Canaan, son of Ham). The Amalekites were nomads, descendant from Amalek, the grandson of Esau, first born son of Isaac. Esau, so called because he was born red all over, had also been dispossessed by his brother Jacob, the father of Israel's 12 Tribes. Jacob had stolen Esau's birthright and inheritance as the first born son.
And Esau and his descendants were bitter over this. To get even with his father for blessing Jacob, the second born, Esau married two Canaanite women, Basemath descendant of Ham,and Judith, also of Ham . (Gen:26:34.) As a double portion of get even, Esau took 2 more Canaanite wives, Adah, descendant of Ham , and Ohilibamah, descendant of Ham (Gen: 36:4 ), the latter from Mount Hermon, ( Golan ) known as "Mount Sion" ,which was the temple of worship to the false god, Baal (not to be confused with Mount Zion).
As a triple portion of "get -even", Esau also married Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael (Gen:28:9) who was the first born son of Abraham, also dispossessed . Thus, all those bitter at God had become one
The Lord took in His hand His Banner, so the "Reds "created their banner in honor of Agag, the son of Amalek, whom God had cursed. Saul, Benjamite king allowed King Agag to live, contrary to God's orders. So God dethroned Saul. Samuel later cut Agag in pieces and Agag would become the martyr-symbol -of a double headed Silver Brotherhood movement against God.
The Silversmith Craft was organized to produce silver statues of false gods. These were the later Silversmiths who drove the Apostle Paul out of Ephesis, stoned Stephen, (Acts: 6:9; 19:23 )and were responsible for the movement against Christ. By now they were known as the Synagogue of Freedmen of the "New Way", the first name of the "New World Order."
Agag became their double- headed hero ("Ag Ag" ). And "Ag" became our scientific symbol for "silver"
Since silver could not be easily produced on cloth, shields, flags or wooden armor, it was substituted with white. Thus, the banner of the Reds from "Edom" (Red), became half white and half red.
Later, the movement would produce the financiers of the world, the vehicle for which were the Knights Templar, the first bankers. Bankers emerged such as Rothschilds which name means"Red Shield." Silver found expression in Rhea Silva whose"twin" sons, suckled by wolves, founded Rome. In Jeremiah: 1:11, we read, " In the land of Benjamin, a watching tree is God , thus, the Brotherhood met among the trees, called them " sylvan utopias",and trees were later farmed under the name silvaculture. The first craft brotherhood in France was named "Wolves," and met among the forest trees The Irish prayed ," I invoke the Silver One, undying and deathless " and believed trees had spirits.The Pan god of Greece, flautist wood nymph, son of Hermes was Sylvanus of Arcadia, considered Utopia.