Merlin's third son, Ian, was born during an eclipse of the moon. The child's mother was Rue, a Maiden of the Dark Queen, Lilith. It is here that we come to the great inner mystery of Merlin's chronicles, as we are brought back to the side of Darkness within us. It is also here that a great and dramatic part of Merlin's life be left untold for now, as it would require more telling than has been allotted within this space. A brief discourse only, of Merlin and Rue can be given here. Merlin was slipped a hypnotic drug by Rue, whereupon she proceeded to effectively seduced him. This Task had been appointed to her by Lilith, who wished to become involved in Merlin's genetic for her own purposes. In that Age, while there were those that could pass through the Goblin Doorway into Avalon, most could not. It usually required a vibrant strain of Faery blood to do so, something which Lilith and her following lacked, at least in its rarefied (and therefore qualified) form. The result of this conspiracy perpetrated on Myrddin, was a son who was very much a neutral child. He seemed positioned on the brink of eternity, afraid to leap in either direction. Ironically, Merlin saw his experience with Rue not as an evil encounter, but part of the Divine Plan; that Darkness may once again be transformed to Light, fortifying the latter.
As a soul is raised above the mire, so more power is given to lift others from similar fates. It is like a gathering of eagles in high places. For each that soars upward from the valley floor, so another follows suit. The hand cannot but touch the sick if it is to cleanse the wound, and so it was from the generation of the last child Ian, son of a Prince of Light and Maiden of Darkness, that a Holy Knight was chosen. Growing into manhood, Ian was not allowed contact with his father as were his siblings. Although an attempt was made, Rue was not successfully converted. After a false try, she withdrew from the Circle, back into the embrace of the reigning Dark Queen, Lilliana, on the throne of Lilith. Rue was determined that Ian not know his father's world. Thus, Merlin's third son became a defiant young man, serving neither side, living without faith. Nevertheless, ancient stirrings built up within him, for the blood of Galataine was heady stuff, even when it coursed through the veins of the unbelieving. Ian married in his seventeenth year to a young girl from the Isle of Iona.
Although he did not at the time know it, his bride was quite versed in her family's religion, her mother having spent a year in the Convent of Shorham. Her Grandmother had been a Priestess of Gwena in the Celtic Ionian Mysteries. It was from the Ionian Mysteries that the Priestess Eliane had been chosen to guardian the son Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Iona was the birthplace of this sacred link, and still contains testament to the event buried within a chamber beneath the sod of the island. Rommela, as Ian's wife, was another 'planned' episode, but that is not to say she did not her young husband, who, beneath a veneer of sarcasm, yearned to find his spiritual self. The child born of their union was Myyrith (pronounced Mer-ith), grandson to the Master of the Mound, a grandfather he would be kept from knowing until his fourteenth year. It was then that his father and grandfather reached an agreement, and a somewhat uneasy communion. Myyrith was at last allowed to drink from the sacred springs of Merlin's heart and mind.
In a vision, Merlin was told by his father that Myyrith was the 'chosen one' to ascend the throne of a New Order consciousness, bringing together the realm of the Goddess and the world of the Christ in man. Yet this, in the final tally, was not to be. Had Myrddin been able to share his spirit with Myyrith from the child's birth, it would have been accomplished, but Ian had kept Myyrith from his grandfather until the door was closed. Divine Timing was the yardstick for the ascendancy of blood lineages in that era, and the moment of Galataine throne had passed. Instead, Merlin acted as emissary to bring another child into the world for his purpose. The Momentum achieved through the Galataine lineage had been disrupted, and now, Merlin knew, it must pass onto another family, that of Pendragon. The Pendragons were still within the David lineage - the Christ Tree, being related to the Galataine (from Myrddin's mother) through Joseph of Arimathea. But even as Merlin orchestrated Arthur's entrance into his earthly cradle, he now had his grandson beside him, and the bond between them grew.. Myyrith was eager for the touch of Light and he burnished brighter and brighter near the flame.
We will return to Myyrith in a moment, but it should be mentioned that Merlin had grandchildren other than Ian's son. One of special importance to our chronicles was Carmarthen, son of Mercedes Adorah and Sucat, or Particus, who would become in historical perspective, 'St. Patrick' of Ireland. According to Thoth, Particus' parents were killed in a fire when he was a small child, and his Celtic grandmother raised him. She was a member of The Eye of the Fawn, and Particus, or as he was called then, Sucat, formed a close bond with Merlin's daughter. As a young man, he left his grandmother and the Grove Circle of Merlin behind, but after his captivity and enslavement in Ireland, he returned to the Isle of Man to visit the grave of his grandmother. It was then that he re-established friendships with Myrddin and his Grove Folk, which stirred in Particus, old embers of ancient beliefs. He stayed three years with Mercedes, leaving her with their child, Carmarthen. There was no bitter! ness in parting, as Mercedes, a priestess in her own right, foresaw Particus' true destiny and urged him to pursue it. Mercedes had intended that Carmarthen be born in Bannock Hills, Scotland, but her son entered the world on a winter solstice in a stone circle on the Isle of Skye.
Our path turns once again to Myyrith. He worked closely with his grandfather from age of fourteen until his death at thirty-eight. Several weeks before he was to depart the Myyrith identity, he was cast into a sea of love, as his grandfather had been with the beautiful Maria. Myyrith's young maiden was another Elaine (related to, but not the same soul as the Ionian Priestess of ages past). She was the daughter of King Pelles of the Castle Carbonek, which at a certain period in the Merlin era, housed the Grail Cup and original texts of the Grail Mysteries. Elaine was a 'lily maid', meaning that she served the Goddess and had been instructed at the Covent of Shorham up to a certain initiatory level. Like Myyrith, she was a descendent of Joseph Arimathea. A week after his physical union with Elaine, Myyrith underwent the initiation of the serpent, and died by its poison. This act purified the strain of the Dark Queen that this good and gentle soul had carried as a burden within h! im. He was then ready to accept the gauntlet of purity to him by the Shining One, and his soul entered the womb of his love, Elaine. So Myyrith became his own son, Ban, baptised Galahad.
"Galahad, in the Vulgate, is the name of the great-grandson of Joseph (of Arimathea), and is the same as Gilead, Numbers 26:29, Judges 10:18. His lineage is obscure on his father's side; but through his mother he descends from "the first Bishop in Christiandom", Joseph of Arimathea. A legend states that Galahad's father was 'a fiend' who attacked a holy nun, that the infant of this union was taken by the convent and reared to young manhood until the time to send him to King Arthur's Court. Another legend has it that Sir Lancelot was his father and Eliane, daughter of King Pelles of the Castle Carbonek, was his mother..." -From Corrine Heleine's Mysteries of The Holy Grail.
There is a close similarity between the 'fiend and the nun' of Galahad's story and Merlin's conception in legend supposedly having taken place between a 'demon' and a mortal woman, who fled and took refuge in sanctuary. Both these stories relate the stigma that Myrddin and his grandson Myyrith bore. The former's father had tuned to evil forces, the latter's grandmother served the Dark Queen. Yet Myrddin's would be washed clean of his transgressions in the last moment of life and Myyrith's grandmother, while not entirely converted to the Light, would cease to be active in Dark Works, long before her death. While Lancelot was not the true father of Galahad, he became his father in spirit, and served as a guiding force in Galahad's youth. Elaine was indeed a 'holy nun' while serving in the Convent of Shorham, where even the attire was a facsimile to the Christian habit.
It was through Galahad that much of the original plan was completed, for in him was the blood of Galataine, and it was he who would redeem the Holy Grail for the spiritual rebirth of a future age. Merlin's part as the 'genetic engineer' is touched upon in Gareth Knight's The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend:
"Merlin's aim was the selection and interbreeding of particular bloodline that would be the basis for founding an aristocratic line of priest-kings after the old Atlantean model. The particular qualities of blood would be such as to make available a refined type of clairvoyance that would enable easier contact between ruling family or class and the inner plane guides behind nation. This is the basis for the conception of the 'sang real' - the royal blood of the Holy Grail. At a much later date it too on a higher individualised form as the attainment of individual conscious expression of the inmost spiritual powers in the physical body."