The cause of the mystery surrounding Second Coming, as is so often the case in matters of distorted Christian theology, lies at the hands of those who compiled the various books comprising the 'authorised' version of the bible. Powerful religious bodies and governments that cynically used the bible as a political tool of mess disempowerment. together with generations of 'interpreters', considered certain works to be unsuitable for general circulation. Thus many scrolls were withdrawn and secreted by the church. At the same time, and unfortunately for Christianity, 'unauthorised' copies of the same manuscripts were also hidden by religious sects defying the censorship of the central authority in Rome.
In recent years, many such ancient texts have come to light in the sands and caves of the Middle East. Yet invariably they have fallen into the very hands that have most to lose if the truth they contain were to be revealed. In the exceptionally few cases, including this work, where religious interference has been specifically prevented from altering, suppressing and even destroying them, they have been indispensable in highlighting serious discrepancies in Christian teaching. As the closely-guarded secrets of humanity's spiritual heritage and potential as Divine Beings and guardians of this planet are now revealed, the Holy Word assumes an altogether different connotation.
The Third Book of the Apocalypse is such a document, and it is presented here unabridged with guidance notes in its first ever English translation. Though perhaps unorthodox in its method of restoration,we can at least now understand why extraordinary measures were justified to ensure that this text too did not fall into the hands of thosewho would once more dishonour it and deprive humanity of its priceless wisdom. The stranglehold of Christian suppression and distortion simply HAD to be broken by whatever means for no less reason than the very survival of the planet and our race. Knowing this, we are advised to quickly absorb and act upon the critical and timely information it contains - much of which is anyway all too obvious to the detached observer of our collapsing world - rather than waste the little time now left to us in arguing about its derivation and authenticity.
This is the third book of John's Revelation vision long suspected to have gone 'missing'. The first two hooks known as the Judgement of the Jews and the Judgement of the Gentiles comprise the 21 chapters of the 'authorised' biblical version. All that remains, in heavily abridged form, of the third book is chapter 22. A detailed comparison between Ch 8 of the third book and CH 22 in the bible, which should he identical, is instructive. It shows not only glaring omissions, but also proves that the concluding chapter of the vision was deliberately brought forward to the end of book two, thereby disguising the withdrawal of the missing chapters and making the work appear complete. With the return of this text, greater sense can once more be made of the whole book of Revelation.
The purpose of the Apocalypse text was to prophesy the timing of Second Coming, the form it would take and to describe the conditions prevailing on Earth at the time of that event. It also summarises, as simply as possible, those aspects of the original vision contained in the first two books that are relevant to the present day. Careful study and comparison between the different texts is recommended, now that new light has been thrown on the many enigmas contained in the much amended and confusing authorised version of Revelations.