4 And he broke the seal and I heard a new song and there came forth the prayers of the saints. And the earth fell in half, in one there flowed blood and the half was of red. And the second was white and knew not God, but provoked his works in greed, and saw conquest.
5 And the second angel came forth and broke the seal. And there appeared a fiery red horse, for the blood would cleanse and its rider was given power to take peace to the earth.
6 And the third angel broke the seal. And there came forth a black horse and the rider was called Famine and carried a pair of scales, for the Lord said, "When I cut off your supply of bread, they will dole out the bread by weight".
7 To each was given a choinix of wheat according to his labour but many will come and take of the bread and give no labour and they will make starvation upon the earth and they will cry and their voices will be as the wilderness.
8 For even the oil and the wine will be scarce for there will be no rain and from the sun none will find cover.
9 And the fourth angel broke the seal. And there came forth a pale horse and the rider was Death. And the sky was filled and I saw unrest, misery, pestilence, scarcity, war in all forms, and was full of fear.
10 And the angel said, "Be not afraid, for death is of man and God does not know me, for I bare the fruits of free-will, which is the gift of God, but of all those signs, they are made of man.
11 They will walk upon the waters, and fly with the creatures of the sky and go to the depths of the sea. They will lift their body into the stars, but they will find not God, for of these gifts they will make terror upon all the nations of the earth.
12 And they will hand out pestilence and they will make evil upon all that was made by the hand of God. For God has tested His people even to the fourth seal".
13 And the fifth angel broke the seal. And the angel wore a robe of white. And he held out his hand and said, "Come, for I am the breath of life". And from the cloud came forth the Lamb and around and in a circle came forth the souls of martyrs.
14 For they all have lain on the altar of knowledge and received the baptism of life eternal. And the martyrs cried in a loud voice, "Sovereign Lord, may we go abroad even as the spirit that all will know the time of Your coming". And there came a loud trumpet from heaven and all bowed their heads.
15 And He gave charge to His servants to walk abroad and to carry the message, so that all may be prepared for the age that will be as gold, and when all will know their brothers and sisters by the light of their being. ~
16 And the sixth angel broke the seal. And there came a great wind from heaven, and the earth shook, every mountain and island moved for the stars knew not their place in the sky.
17 And there came from the sky many stars that did fall towards the earth and the time was seen, for late were the figs that dropped from the tree.
18 And all stood in fear, for great was the wrath of the Lamb. And his servants threw out all the priests of the earth who had given false prophecy, for they had laid bare the earth and caused the stars in the sky to move.