OMEGA - Your Archive is Gone:(
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Hi Omega I got your email....I went to the archive....lol...it' gone...they left 39 post:(... someone is going to use it as a book....so I started to a few threads...I will help you transfer.... We knew when we put there it would go sometime...they tried for years:)... No worries.... Mine is still th...
Nibiru, Planet X....2012 Updates....
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Nibiru, Planet X, 2012 Updates
Videos have also been taken in Russia, Ethiopia, England, and Mexico..... -- Edited by Franklin on Sunday 7th of March 2010 08:24:25 PM -- Edited by Franklin on Monday 15th of March 2010 10:02:09 PM -- Edited by Franklin on Monday 15th of March 2010 10:08:06 PM -- Edited by Franklin on Monday 15th of Mar...
What Does "The Truth Exposed" and the Franklin/Gosch Case Have In Common?
Johnny Gosch Investigation
How deep does the rabbit hole go?...When did the hoaxing start with the Franklin Files - Gosch - Iran Contra - Greenberg - Strong connection? Start by watching the Youtube Documentary "The Truth Exposed" You can see them on page 40 of Nibiru thread...I tried to repost but having difficulty at the mome...
Penn State Sex Scandal
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Adam White Report
Penn State Coach Ran Premier Worldwide Boy Sex Brothel Jerry Sandusky was not a lone player in the Penn State boy sex scandal. This is a worldwide premier boy for hire brothel, which generated billions of dollars in revenue for the many influential people involved. The board of directors of the Seco...
Nibiru Astronomy
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Nibiru, Planet X, 2012 Updates
This video goes through the history of the discovery by a U.S. IRIS satellite of Nibiru. It also gives directions on how you can see Nibiru for yourself using the downloadable Microsoft Worldwide Telescope. Details in the clip were provided by a former U.S. Intelligence Officer named John Maynard....
A short statement regarding ted Gunderson R.I.P.
News & Media
My friend Ted Gunderson died at Cedars-Sinai Hospital Sunday. I'll put his picture with me back up in his memory. Ted was a good guy. He was the former FBI Bureau Chief for L.A., during his retirement years he dedicated himself to helping others, like myself (child abuse victims), by listening, belie...
Same video now on YouTube
Nibiru, Planet X, 2012 Updates
Yea, here's a link to the same video I made of anomalous "objects??" around the vicinity of the sun. Looking back through the video, I noticed that the sun has a refraction, about the same diameter of the sun, and this thing also has its own refraction as well, about the same diameter. This is...
Chronology of the Franklin Case by the World Herald - 1998
Franklin Files Current Case
FWD: F.E.R.P.O Nov 1, 1998 Scandal Nearly Swallowed Omaha Credit Union Failed In November 1988; Key Players in the Franklin Case; Franklin Chronology; [Sunrise Edition] Rober Dorr. Omaha World - Herald. Omaha, Neb. pg. 1.a Full Text (3396 words) (Copyright 1998 Omaha World-Herald Compan...
Photographs of Nibiru?
Nibiru, Planet X, 2012 Updates
A couple of weeks ago I took quite a few photographs of the sun, intrigued by video and pictures other person's were posting on youtube that they had taken of the sun in which it appears that there is a planet or small sun or both visible in the sky, but not to the naked eye. While analyzing the photographs...
Historic Evidence Of Planet X.....
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Nibiru, Planet X, 2012 Updates
Vanished on Lifetime features Interviews with Mr. & Mrs. Gosch
Johnny Gosch Investigation
Misinfo regarding Mayan End Date
News & Media
Just thought I'd make a little post about this. I discovered this about two weeks ago actually. The actual Mayan end date is 12/24/2011. Yes that's December 24th, 2011. NOT 12/21/2012. It seems all TV commentary about the Mayan prophecy clearly indicates December 24th, 2011. The date got change...
My video commentary regarding Harold Camping's May 21, 2011 "Rapture" prediction
Music & Video
My video response in which I make some comments about Harold Camping's May 21, 2011 "Rapture" prediction as well as some predictions of my own regarding the tribulation period, and the second coming of Christ. I don't make any official predictions regarding the rapture event itself, bu...
New Sex Abuse Guidelines Issued By Church
Adam White Report
We have requested from Kevin Annett, and The International Tribunal into Crime of Church and State (ITCCS) for a response and he has contacted me to let me know that a formal response is coming shortly. Will post more as the matter will debated more in depth. See the evidence of Genocide in Canada at www...
Dr. Steve Percznik's earth shattering interview - Truth of Bin Laden's Death - 9/11
News & Media
I'm going to be posting more about my story soon
Music & Video
Hi Everyone, I'm going to be starting part 2 of my book soon. I've been so busy. I am involved in a lawsuit currently, and so this has been keeping me very busy, But I have had a great compulsion to write more. I have had so many more PTSD events, and know so much more now as to what happened. You know, writing a...
Superstars Fight Sex slavery
Adam White Report
Movie star couple Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are launching a new campaign Monday against child sex slavery. A host of other stars, including Justin Timberlake and Sean Penn, signed up for "Real Men don't buy girls" aimed at stopping people buying underage girls for sex. The Demi and As...
The Kevin Annett Reports
Adam White Report
Censored News from Canada:
The Wall of Holocaust Denial Begins to Topple: Aboriginal Museum is Forced to Display Evidence of the Canadian Genocide
An Update, with thanks to Jim Windle of Teka News
Brampton, Ontario, May 13, 2011
For the first time in Canadian history, a public museum will exhib...
Welcome Adam White
Adam White Report
Welcome. Darron
Adam White Report
THE HOLLIE GREIG CASE + COVERUP BY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT href="http://www.abeldanger.net/2010/06/bbc-hollie-grei...
World’s Largest Paedo Ring BOYCHAT & BOYLOVER.NET Update
Adam White Report
‘World’s largest paedo ring’ BOYCHAT & BOYLOVER.NET COPS were poised to arrest 1,200 British perverts last night – after smashing the world’s biggest online paedophile ring. Sickos nationwide were bracing themselves for a knock on the door after 230 abused children were rescued from the glo...
A Water Deal, A Call Girl & The PMO
Adam White Report
The Businessman, the Girlfriend, the Water Deal and the PMO "The name of Michele McPherson, 22, appears on a secret contract witnessed by Bruce Carson (advisor to Government) that guaranteed her 20 per cent of all gross revenues from sales related to water contracts on First Nations reserves...
Mariah's Place
Nibiru, Planet X, 2012 Updates
Mariah's Place Database
Boys Town Abuses - The RCC Cover-up
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Johnny Gosch Investigation
Boys Town, Lincoln Diocese Will Look into Abuse ClaimsBy Karyn Spencer, David HendeeOmaha World Herald [Nebraska]February 1, 2003Two men allege in lawsuits filed this week that they were victims of child sexual abuse by Nebraskapriests - one at Boys Town in Omaha, the other at a Catholic school in...
Lesbian Cult, Pedophile Oaths, And Guilds
Adam White Report
NASA: ICE found on the Moon
News & Media
A "significant amount" of frozen water has been found on the moon, says the US space agency. The discovery heralds a major leap forward in space exploration and boosts hopes of a permanent lunar base. Preliminary data from a moon probe "indicates the mission successfully uncovere...
Merry Christmas, Yultetide, & Winter Solstice to everyone...
Music & Video
Love Darron
Welcome Everyone
I'm still here and checking in. Had to move into a new place. Hope everyone is doing well. Love, Darron
Occult symbolism in society
The Occult
If anyone is interested, I put this webpage together about a year ago, and it was a lot of work, but it reveals a lot of Occult / Satanic symbolism in modern society as well as Satanic perverted sexual symbolism in modern music, entertainment, etc... http://www.myspace.com/darronstevens It's a com...
Maureen Gummert aka iowagurl...Scam Queen
Johnny Gosch Investigation
Sorry..I can link to any site I choose...I do not post to your chat so you cannot get my IP to sell or spam/hack my site......It is fair use....and free speech....Your site is a hoax and the public needs to be aware of your scam.....why not you remove your site and chat and stop the lies...and you are only "...